Moxjet's Home Page

Howdy. My name's John , and This is my all new, all updated homepage

NEWS FLASH- Well, the whole world has changed. After a long and wondefull three years, I am single again and as my luck would have it, my world has completly changed.

For the time being, i no longer live in Dallas. My mother's husband died in Sept. 2003 and the circumstances dictated that she needed me with her, so here I am in DEEP east Texas. Nacogdoches to be exact. During my stay here, I became single again, Aint life grand? Needless to say, this is a short term situation (the deep east Texas part, not the single part, well, i HOPE that will be a short term thing too, but who can say?). As soon as is possible, I will be back in the metroplex, and getting back to my old routine. Please sign the guestbook before you head out, OK?

I have recently started playing in the SCA. If you know what that means you can click HERE to see my SCA page.

If you dont know what that means, you can click HERE to find out.

Here is a little information about me, in survey form. Enjoy!!!

Mox's Info Page

New rants added !!

Various Thoughts

My Picture Page


Dale And Kristi's American Karate Academy Page

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you leave here happier than you came, and that you now know me a little bit better.

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