Just click on the little island. And you will be brought to the "MANGA ZONE"!

BEFORE YOU ENTER! Please note that THIS SITE IS NO OFFICIALLY DEAD! YEP! No new stuff...I'm sorry.....^_^ BUT I WILL HAVE A NEW SITE ...dedicated to randomness...Up very shortly ^___^ So go HERE if you're interested.

Now, enter by clicking on the little island Goku is heading for.

Aren't I cute?~ZEE

NOTE: Every manga screenshot was BOUGHT and scanned by me so PLEASE don't steal or I WILL sue! *evil grin*

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Are you? | GREAT GOKU SHRINE!! | PAN-CHAN!! | Not DBZ but COOL! ^-^

Logo made by me! ^^ | YES I DID! ^-^

I ::Can't Get Enough:: Son Gokou | Brad Smiley

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