So I said...

7.8.02 - 8 More Days. Until then, STUFF.TXT!

7.04.02 - 1:23AM - Cut me some slack, its 1.30 in the morning.

6.22.02 - 1:08AM - At last, I am so happy

6.10.02 - 11:43PM - It was about 10 hours ago.

6.02.02 - 10:38PM - Hackin at Salon rocks. My damn board didnt show as of yet.

5.29.02 - 10:51PM - I just orderd a board that matches my girls board. BTW, things are gettin better

5.28.02 - 10:33PM - Sure did a bang up job on this life

5.23.02 - 8:51PM - Boy, I'm alone right now.

5.16.02 - 9:44PM - Ever wonder what a baby does when its neck snaps?

5.13.02 - 10:24PM - Soon enough.

5.13.02 - 10:17PM - Adventures in High School

5.07.02 - 10:14PM - It's like the final boss. Even though its beatin your ass, Its innovative.

5.03.02 - 5:53PM - Don't click this.

4.30.02 - 3:45PM - We'll put it here for now.

4.28.02 - 12:28AM - The Haiku are like the mp3's. I'm updating all the time without talking about it. More MP3's and Haiku

4.24.02 - 10:24PM - Some navbar mods.

4.24.02 - 6:31PM - Posted some Haikus. Perhaps replacing the buddy icons nav bar button?

4.23.02 - 9:50PM - More Bitchin Buddy Icons

4.23.02 - 9:12PM - Read Alice in Wonderland

4.15.02 - 10:10PM - Its about damn time!

4.14.02 - 4:00AM - Insomnia Rocks, who needs rest? Not me, my body can take it. Ugh, my brain aches

4.10.02 11:00PM- New Stories

4.07.02 - 10:04PM - What was is no more. Stuff.txt

4.02.02 - 9:23PM - No such thing as too much time on your hands!

4.01.02 - 10:27PM - Mindless Clone, get away from me. I still have 9 hours of my spring break left.

4.01.02 - 10:02PM - I'm didn't update today. APRIL FOOLS!

3.26.02 - 11:19PM - : )

3.26.02 - 2:44PM - Old sites are boring. Story Time


3.24.02 - 1:13PM - It's like a tutorial for life. Stuff.txt

3.24.02 - 12:45PM - More MP3's

3.24.02 - 12:28 AM - I wish I could layout like that = (

9.20.02 - 9:25PM - Whats wrong with this Picture?It took me a while to see it but once you see what's wrong, its so freaky. One of the best things on the internet. Don't lose faith, you'll see it.

3.18.02 - 3:03PM - Bigger fish (that not literal, punk)

3.17.02 - 11:51PM - I've been cold lately but I'm startin to warm up. Stuff.txt and MP3's updates.

3.16.02 - 1:23PM - Here is the best Tetris Midi in the world. If you somehow have a better one, mail it to me

3.15.02 - 1:13PM - Just a joke, people.

3.12.02 - 10:57PM - Wow, look what I came across

3.12.02 - 9:02PM - Download Rahzel - Four Elements, one of the kewlest things I have ever heard. More MP3's

3.7.02 - 9:47PM - I am Jack's wisdom teeth.

3.7.02 - 9:39PM - It was just a phase

3.2.02 - 10:18PM - Play this game in the dark when you're dead tired. How trippy, its Spheres of Chaos

3.2.02 - JGR art by Mark. I cant find my SS:SE disk!

3.1.02 - 10:24PM - I need something - Stuff.txt

2.21.02 - 4:52PM - How much spare time do I have on my hands? Plenty Hundred hours - ITS A PALINDROME. and more mp3's

2.20.02 - 9:43PM -How come Beast's is bold and mines not?

2.18.02 - 8:41PM - New catagory added to stuff.txt.Read the school section again. I guess I'll just add to the top so the page is more lazy people friendly. Us slackers must unite, you know

2.18.02 - 2:15AM - Careless Eternity

2.15.02 - 11:26PM -"I am Jack's ribcage" added. Also, I changed the file name of the navbar from whats to navbar, not that you care or it that matters. If there's a page that doesn't display the nav bar, please tell me.

2.13.02 - 6:19PM - Crap appended to stuff.txt. Serious Sam: SE is so much fun.Go buy it and we'll play

2.6.02 - 9:55PM - Well, for the most part, my new PC is set up. Got some mp3's to hold me over while the rest download, have some games to play with the mp3's in the background. I guess the only thing left to do is to finally update this site.

2.4.02 - Open winamp and type nullsoft, pressing esc after each 'L'

1.31.02 - More mp3's. Press Control + D if you love old school Chumbawamba.

1.30.02 - 8:46PM - More mp3's. I think everytime I wanna vent or whatever, I'll add on to the days of old section. Check back for updates. There's nothin there now.

1.29.02 - 10:06PM - Look what I have! If you want this cute little message, contact me via MSN messenger at If I'm not singed on, e-mail me and we'll work somethin out.

1.24.02 - Stuff.txt -- Did you know file endings exist for mere organization and have nothing to do with the actual file type?

1.22.02 - 10:07PM - If you fit this description at all, contact me at

1.22.02 - 9:55PM - Say, If I use the banner as a link to the home page, I would have one more open nav bar link to put somethin there. Like another 'Nothing yet'. Sigh. Give me Idea's

1.16.02 - 8:15PM - I am Jack's complete boredom. >: )

1.15.02 - 9:47PM - It's not a no, its not a ya. AAAH. ::Runs about with a baseball bat looking for inanimate victims to bestow upon his rage and frustration:: Why doesn't she just answer?! AAAH.

1.09.02 - 8:31PM - Guess that's a no from 'my' girl. I need a design for the Haiku page. I'll be playing with different looks over the next couple of time periods.

1.03.02 - 6:58PM - I can't stop thinking about this girl. Don't steal music.

12.09.01 - 8:49PM - Man that job is rough. I cut down a tree for a pair of losers and went home without a tip. I'm not paid to cut down trees, just carry, measure, shake, carry, drill, and bail but it ROX!. God, school is getting annoying. Go rent Swordfish.


12.05.01 - 5:54PM - Well, that's enough of that angelfire crap. I guess I'll give Geocities a try. Try closing the banner ad, talk about snazzy. Check out my fly rollover. Oh yeah. Sheerlund forest job is bad ass!

11.29.01 - 8:49PM - Yes, I am still alive. Angelfire wasn't letting me upload anyfiles on acount of the size of their fat heads, stupid jerks. Well, I guess I can put a nav bar on this thing. Oh yeah, I'm so psyched for my new job chopping down xmas trees!! I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...

11.25.01 - 11:53PM - Well, seems like Angelfire is havein some trouble so I can't upload anything. Good Grief. This better not last too long. I think I'll take a break for a bit.

11.25.01 - 11:53PM - Added the first option in the nav bar section. Doesn't lead anywhere just yet but the night is young. Nice rollover, baby.

11.25.01 - 11:37PM - Well, I got a simplistic banner up. Catchy, ain't? If think it needs more tell me so, if you believe less is more, ...still tell me so...or something... ::cough, cough::

11.25.01 - 11:15PM - Ya, so I'll give this another try. Rather than writing the entire web site, then posting it, I've decided to post it as I write it. This will give you, the reader, something to look forward to, which inturn will give me motavation. Any time you feel like I'm slacking off, just e-mail me or contact me via AIM at JonnyTarget telling me to "GEt tO wORk, aSshOLe". Stay tuned through out the night and tell your friends.



© Zach Mellinger - 2002