The V.C. Andrews Estate

Hi! My name is Zach. I really enjoy reading the V.C. Andrews novels.
Each novel is in a series, except for MY SWEET AUDRINA. The following
are all of the series. Click on one to read about the books in that series.

The Dollanganger Series
The Casteel Series
The Cutler Series
The Landry Series
The Logan Series
The Orphan Series
The Wildflower Series
The Hudson Series

This novel is the only one that is not in a series:

My Sweet Audrina

My website used to be located at, but I have
not been able to update it in a LONG time due to technical difficulties
with Geocities. So I started it up again here. I will be updating this
homepage, so it will be in the "works" for awhile. Please bookmark this
page and check it frequently! And don't forget to push the "Refresh" button
if you come here often, because I will be updating a lot. Thanks!

Also, my e-mail address that I had supplied on my old homepage has changed!
What a terrible thing, because somebody else has that e-mail address now and
was getting the e-mail that you meant to send to me! I'm so sorry! Geocities was
not allowing me to get into my website and update it (hence the technical
difficulties I had talked about above). I have my e-mail address updated now!

You may e-mail me.

My ICQ number is: 17757912

Go to my list of links.

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