Everytime I read the personals, I'm surprised at the number of people who request, "No Games."  I personally love games and here are a few of my favorite game sites:

Hello everyone!  I'm Zoe and I'm here to entertain you.  But first, I have time for a few questions. 

Where is your organization located? Company headquarters are in  the Southeastern US.

Zoe, what's your sign?   Obviously, I'm a  Leo.  Why else would I have a whole page dedicated to me?

Do you have a mission statement? 

I'm sorry ladies and gentleman, but I'll have to push on.  Thank you and enjoy the show.
Games Galore
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More about me?
I'm a math professional by day and a sensitive poetess the rest of the time.  I love music and literature and getting completely lost in a dramatic movie.  I wear lots of black and I really would like to direct.

BOOK:  The Last of the Wine - Mary Renault
BAND:  The Church
MOVIE:  Badlands
MONKEE:  Micky
COMEDIAN:  Richard Lewis
POET:  T. S. Eliot