Command Wolf

My Thoughts:

Alright now if this zoid isn't a fair zoid and useful for training then no zoid is. Now one of the best pilots on the show used this zoid so don't underestimate it just because I say it's good for begginer's.He helped win many battles with this zoid but still it's a perfect begginer zoid common, cheap, and easy to control. Those same traits make it useful to very skilled pilots who with it don't have to worry about compensating for there weak points. Right well thats all I got to say about it heres the technical data i could find.

Description: Well simply put its a wolf if that ain't obvious then your a retard. I've seen these with a couple different looks actuallysome have less armor or others more some have a ton of guns others only have one long range gun for shelling at a distance.

Known Pilots: Brad, Wolf Team team members

Teams Registered On: Blitz, Wolf

Weapons: Back mounted cannon, other various guns that can be added on.