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Add Flour, backing powder slowly continue mixing on slow speed. Bake in a pre heated oven at 350 F. in 2 9 inch springform cake pans. About 30 min. Test pick when inserted in center of cake must come out clean.Cooll on rack for 20 min. Then remove sides of springform pan, cool completly.


Mix with electric mixer Butter, and powdered sugar untill well blended, and creamy. Add 1 egg and continue mixing, when blended slowly add all other ingrediance except milk and walnut. Heat milk to almost boiling and add to the walnuts. (Making a heavy paste) COOL to room temp then add to Butter cream mixture. Assemble Cake by putting the cream on center(fairly heavy) add second layer and cover top and sides generously. Wheh completed press ground walnuts on top and sides. Refrigerate A/O. Put in freezer to keep for later. Can be frozen for a couple months with out loosing its taste, or apeal

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