Pacheco Maria 1496 - 1531

She was wife of the chief comunero Juan Lopez de Padilla. When her husband fell in the battle of Villalar, she took command in his name and successfully defended the city of Toledo.

                 E - 1752

Pacovska Kveta 1928 -
Čehoslovaška slikarka, ki je sicer znana po svojih ilustracijah otroških knjig, vendar tudi številnih samostojnih razstavah, brez katerih njenih ilustracij sploh ne bi bilo.
Na znamki
CZ-2827 je njena ilustracija iz Pimpilim pampam.

She is widely known for her children's books, but behind this body of work lies an artistic practice (with more then 50 one-man exhibitions) without which these children's books never would have existed. She graduated from the Academy of Arts, Design and Architecture in Prague where she still lives and works. She has received a number of distinguished awards and recognitions. Between the years 1992 and 1993 she worked as a guest professor at Hochschule der Künste in Berlin and from 1995 to 1997 she realized a project of the garden in Chihiro Art Museum Azumino in Japan. In 1999 she was awarded a honourable doctorate from Kingston University, Great Britain.
On stamp
CZ-2827 is her ilustration from Pimpilim pampam.

CZ - 2827

Paderewska Helena  1856 - 16.1.1934
V času prve svetovne vojne in po njej je na Poljskem vladala velika revščina in pomanjkanje. Helena Padarewska je organizirala programe za pomoč potrebnim. Klicali so jo "velika duša". Pomagala je ranjenim in invalidom, brezdomcem, starim, sirotam na obeh straneh Atlantika. Ustanovila je poljski Beli križ.
Helena je bila žena enega največjih osebnosti poljske zgodovine Ignacya Jana Padarewskega (1860-1941). Bil je skladatelj, pianist, politik, državnik in filantrop.

During the period of the First World War and immediately afterwards, Poles suffered great misery and want.  When it was very hard indeed to keep up one’s spirit there appeared this woman of extraordinary ability – Helena Paderewska.  She organized aid programs and lifted morale, and was given the name “Great Soul". She carried emergency aid to the wounded and the invalids; to displaced persons and the homeless; to the aged and the orphans on both sides of the Atlantic, and founded the Polish White Cross.
She was wife of Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860–1941) one of the most important figures in Polish history (composer, pianist, politician, statesman, philanthropist).

               PL - 4097

Palikuqi Hibe 1927 - 1944
albanska partizanka
Na znamki
AL-2121 je tudi Gero Liri.

Albanian patriot.
On stamp
AL-2121 is also Gero Liri.


           AL - 2121

PaluCca Gret 8.1.1902 - 22.3.1993
Nemška plesalka, koreografinja in plesna učiteljica.

She was a German dancer and teacher. Shortly after birth, her family moved to San Francisco, returning with her mother to Dresden in 1909. There she received ballet lessons with Heinrich Kröller from 1914 to 1916. She saw Mary Wigman dance and became one of her first pupils. In 1925, Palucca founded the Palucca School of Dance in Dresden. Her students included Ruth Berghaus and Lotte Goslar. Palucca was famous for her solos.

       D - 2014

PALMER Lili 24.5.1914 - 27.1.1986

The daughter of a German surgeon and an Austrian actress, She was ten years old when she began appearing in amateur theatricals in Berlin. She studied for a theater career with Ilka Gruning. Shortly after her professional bow in 1932, Palmer fled from Germany to escape the incoming Nazi government. She worked at Paris' Moulin Rouge, then learned English well enough to appear in British films from 1935 and on the London stage from 1938. In the company of her first husband, Rex Harrison, Palmer came to America in 1945, appearing in such stage productions as Anne of a Thousand Days and Bell, Book and Candle, and in such films as Cloak and Dagger (1946) and Body and Soul (1948). In 1952, she co-starred with Harrison in the film adaptation of the Broadway hit The Four Poster. Her marriage dissolved when Harrison became interested in movie leading lady Kay Kendall; her second husband was actor Carlos Thompson. Resettling in Europe in 1954, Palmer periodically returned to Hollywood for such projects as the well-circulated 1955 TV anthology The Lilli Palmer Theater. She continued to star in films produced in virtually every corner of the world, and to appear on Broadway. Her witty 1975 autobiography Change Lobsters and Dance, was a best seller.

                    D - 2143

Pankhurst Emmeline 4.7.1858 - 14.6.1928
Leta 1903 je Emmeline Goulden  Pankhurst  ustanovila Žensko socialno in politično zvezo (WSPU), katere cilj je bil borba za žensko volilno pravico. Članice zveze so se z zelo militantnimi nastopi  borile za svoje cilje, zato so bile velikokrat aretirane in zaprte. V času prve svetovne vojne so svoje delovanje prekinile. Emmeline, ki je po vojni kandidirala za parlament, je umrla kmalu potem, ko je bil sprejet zakon, ki je ženskam dal volilno pravico. Emmeline Pankhurst je napisala avtobiografijo My Own Story (1914), njena hčerka Sylvia pa The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst (1935).
Slika na znamki
GB-2423 je delo slikarke Georgine Agnes Brackenbury.
Na znamki Man-193 je s svojo materjo Sophio Jane Goulden.

In 1903, Emmeline Goulden  Pankhurst  founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)  to agitate for voting rights for women. She was joined in the movement by two daughters:  Christabel Harriette Pankhurst (1880-1958) and Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (1882-1960). The WSPU adopted increasingly militant tactics to draw attention to its cause, and its members (including the Pankhursts) were frequently arrested. When World War I started (1914), the Pankhursts called a halt to their suffrage campaign. After the war Emmeline died while running for Parliament as a Conservative, a few weeks after  the passage of the law that gave women full voting rights. Emmeline Pankhurst wrote an autobiography, My Own Story (1914), her daughter Sylvia wrote The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst (1935).
On stamp
 GB-2423 is her portrait made by Georgine Agnes Brackenbury.
On stamp Man-193
is with her mother Goulden Sophia Jane.

                GB -
485                          GB - 2423                      Jersey - 736                         Man - 193

Panova Bianka 27.5.1970 -
je bolgarska ritmična gimnastičarka.

Panova won her first world title in 1985, tying for gold with ribbon. The following year, she shared the European all-around title and took two World Cup individual events outright. At the 1987 Worlds, she scored 40.00 in the all-around and 10 in each of the four event finals. An obvious favourite for the 1988 Olympic title, Panova faltered in the first round of the Games to finish fourth (she missed a risky throw at the end of her clubs exercise), despite another 40.00 total in the all-around final.

     BG - 3593

Papadaki Eleni 4.11.1903 - 22.12.1944

Not especially well known nowadays, during the thirties and the forties she was considered one of the finest actresses of the stage. Those who saw her perform all agree that her acting was unprecedented, and that there hasn't been anything like it since. Her great talent was acknowledged, despite her sharing with stage with some of the greatest Greek stage actors of all time, such as Paxinou, Manolidou, Veakis, Minotis, Alkaiou, Glinos, et al. When the legendary actresses Marika Kotopouli and Kyveli first saw her perform, the saw in her their worthy successor. During the occupation of Greece in World War II she had an affair with collaborationist Prime Minister Ioannis Rallis. A few months after the liberation of Athens she was arrested by members of the Greek partisan army and was executed.


              GR - 1670

Papadat-Bengescu Hortensia 8.12.1876 - 5.3.1955

Romunska pisateljica.

She is novelist of the Romanian interwar period.

 RO - 5563

PapPenheim Bertha 27.2.1859 - 28.5.1936
se je rodila na Dunaju in v tem mestu preživela tudi svoje otroštvo. Kot dekle je bila huda histerična bolnica, a jo je Sigmund Freud uspešno pozdravil. Po ozdravitvi se je preselila v Frankfurt. Uveljavila se je kot borka za ženske pravice. Bila je ena najbolj znanih predstavnic ženskega gibanja med Judinjami in prva ter dolgoletna predsednica judovskega ženskega gibanja v Nemčiji. Ustanovila in vodila je dom za neporočena matere in njihove otroke. Zbirala je čipke in druge predmete iz blaga. Svojo zbirko je zapustila Muzeju uporabne umetnosti.

activist for women's rights was born in Vienna, Austria, and after her father's death suffered from a psychosomatic paralysis, which was treated by the psychoanalyst Joseph Breuer. Sigmund Freud described her case in one of his most celebrated studies, in which she is identified as 'Anna O.' In 1888 she arrived as a healthy young woman in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where her mother lived. Becoming involved in social work, her passion for social justice was aroused and she founded a national federation for Jewish women, the Juedischer Frauenbund. Pappenheim headed an orphanage for Jewish girls and founded a home for disturbed Jewish girls and unwed mothers. She fought the white slave trade and the selling of Jewish girls into prostitution. She traveled throughout Europe propagating her views.

Paraske Larin 27. 12.1833 - 3. 1.1904

She was a central figure in Finnish folk poetry. The immense number of verses she could recite (over 32,000) made her one of the irreplaceable sources of Karelian culture. In fact, she is the single most important source of folk poetry in Finland. Paraske's poems include proverbs, lamentations and riddles. Her Finnish contemporaries (scientists and artists) drew enormous inspiration from her.

          FI -958

Pardo Bazan Emilia 16.9.1851 - 12.5.1921
Španska pisateljica.

This most famous of contemporary writers, was born in Galicia. Her novels, short stories and literary criticism made her the most important woman writer of her generation. The Critical Issue, her most famous work, became a polemical essay which discussed Zola and Naturalism, made French and Russian literary movements known in Spain and started an important literary controversy in which she championed the free will of the individual.

     E - 1966

Paskaleva Katja 18.9.1945 - 25.7.2002
je bolgarska igralka najbolj znana po vlogi v filmu Kozji rog (1972).
Na znamki BG-4189  je tudi Nevena Kokanova.

She was a Bulgarian actress, most famous for her role in Koziyat rog (1972). Katya studied at VITIS "Krastyo Sarafov", where Matodi Andonov taught her acting. She graduated in 1967.
On stamp
BG-4189 is also Nevena Kokanova.

BG - 4189

Paševa Ganka - Bojka

      BG - 3646

Paškilova TODOROVA Ivanka

Na znamki BG-2410 je tudi Mirčeva Minčeva Detelina.

On stamp BG-2410 is also Mirčeva Minčeva Detelina.

             BG - 2410


PaTa Temjana

                                         UA - 390-391

Patricia Gracia

PATURSSON Súsanna Helena 1864 - 1916

She was born in Kirkjubøur on Streymoy. She went to Denmark as a young girl to get an education, and worked after that as a legal secretary in Copenhagen. While in Copenhagen, she wrote the first Faroese play, a comedy called Veðurføst (1889), wrote some poems, two autobiographical short stories as well as articles in the newspapers “Føringatíðindi” and “Fuglaframi”. In 1904 Helena moved back to the Faroe Islands and started the newspaper “Oyggjarnar” (The Islands). The first issue came on the 18th of April 1905. “Oyggjarnar” was written in Faroese and the main purpose was to provide Faroese material to the readers. The paper wrote, among other things, about women’s rights, women’s jobs and education, and emphasized the woman’s role in the national awakening. Other themes in “Oyggjarnar” were the importance of home decoration, health, fashion and misc. needlework. Because of lack of support and Helena’s deteriorating health, the paper stopped in 1908.

faroe - 2008

Pavličenko Mihailovna Ludmila 12.7.1916 - 1974

junakinja Sovjetske Zveze, odlikovana z ordenom "Zlata zvezda", ostrostrelka, rekorderka. Ubila je največ nemških vojakov med sovjetskimi ostrostrelkami - 309.

Hero of the Soviet Union, female sniper, she killed 309 german soilders.

      SU - 4485

Pavlova Ana 12.2.1881 - 23.1.1931
ruska balerina, najbolj znana baletna plesalka svojega časa. Rodila se je v St. Petersburgu. Pri osmih letih je niso hoteli vzeti v cesarsko baletno šolo, ker je bila premajhna za svojo starost. Svetovali so ji, naj se spet oglasi čez dve leti, ko je bila sprejeta. Že aprila 1891 je prvič zaplesala v javnosti. Poučevali so jo nekateri najimenitnejši plesni učitelji tistega časa in velika balerina Ekaterina Vazem. S šestnajstimi leti je diplomirala in se pridružila cesarskemu baletu, bila je varovanka maestra Mariusa Petipa. Hitro je napredovala. Leta 1902 je postala druga solistka, leta 1905 premiere danseuse in leta 1906 primabalerina. K zadnjemu je največ prispeval odmeven nastop v baletu Giselle. Pavlova je za vedno spremenila ideal balerine. V devetdesetih letih devetnajstega stoletja so ruske balerine morale obvladovati predvsem tehniko, kar pa je pomenilo da so imele močno mišičasto telo. Pavlova pa je bila prav nasprotno, drobna, nežna in lahkotna, kot ustvarjena za romantične vloge. V Parizu je plesala v Ballets Russe, ki ga je ustanovil ruski impresarij Sergej Djagilev. Skupaj z možem Victorjem Dandrejem sta ustanovila sovjo baletno skupino in z njo osvojila svet. Njen najbolj znameniti solistični nastop je bila Umirajoči labod - koreografija na glasbo Saint-Saensovega Živalskega karnevala.

Anna Pavlova, was one of the world's best-known ballerinas. Pavlova's parents were poor, and she was a frail and sickly child. From an early age, however, she was determined to become a ballerina and entered the Imperial Ballet School of Saint Petersburg in 1892. By the time of her graduation in 1899 she was recognized by teachers and critics as a phenomenally gifted dancer and was accepted immediately by the Imperial Ballet. From dancing solo roles in her first years, she graduated in 1903 to the title role in Giselle and achieved ballerina status in 1906. Although she was as much at home in character parts as she was in the parts of nymphs and spirits, Pavlova excelled in those roles requiring virtuoso technique and beautiful line. She first performed The Dying Swan, a solo choreographed for her by Mikhail Fokine, in 1907, and it became her signature piece for the rest of her life. Pavlova toured outside Russia beginning in 1908, sometimes on her own and occasionally appearing with the Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev. In 1912 she moved to London where she organized her own dance company and toured throughout the world during the next decade. As a result of these extensive tours, managed by her husband, Victor Dandre, she became the most famous and the wealthiest dancer of her time.

MC - 1554

Pavlović-Barili Milena 5.11.1909 - 6.3.1945

Študirala v Beogradu in Munchnu. Od 1930 je stalno živela v tujini, od 1939 v ZDA. Poleg R. Živanoviča je edini predstavnik nadrealizma v srbskem slikarstvu. Njen kolorit je nežen, liki stilizirani, postavljeni v nerealen prostor, v katerem se pogosto pojavljajo elementi antične arhitekture.

Serbian painter. Studied in Belgrade and Munich. From 1930 she lived permanent autboard, from 1939 in USA. She and R. Zivanovic are the only surrealistic painters in Serbian art.

            YU - 1713                     YU -

Pavoni Verena 1965 -
švicarska ilustratorka

                                   CH - 1703/5

Paxinou Katina  1900 - 22.2.1973
grška filmska in gledališka igralka, filmi: For whom the bell tolls (1943), Confidential report (1955), Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960).

Internationally recognized Greek actress known for her tragic roles in both modern and classic drama. With her second husband, the Greek actor-producer Alexis Minotis, she produced revivals of classic plays in ancient outdoor Greek theatres and translated modern plays into Greek.

              GR - 1674

PEETERS Clara 1594 - 1639
je edina ženska slikarka v zgodovini flamskega slikarstva. Je ena od začetnikov tihožitja.
Na znamki
B-3437: Tihožitje z ostrigami, sadjem in pecivom.

She is the only female painter in the history of Flemish art, she is one of the pioneers of the the still lifes.
On stamp
B-3437: Still life with oysters, fruit and pastry.

              B - 3437

PEKSOVA Ewelina 1923 -
poljska slikarka
Na znamki PL-2657 je njena slika na steklu Sveta družina.

Polish painter.

PL - 2657


PELLETIER Maria Euphrasia sv. (st.) 31.7.1796 -24.4.1868

She was born during the French Revolution and studied at Tours. Joined the Refuge of Our Lady of Charity at Tours, an order devoted to rescuing "fallen" women and those in danger of going on the game. She took the name Marie-Euphrasie, and made her religious profession. She founded of The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (Good Shepherd Sisters) at Tours in 1825. In 1829 she established their monastery at Angers. The Congregation has sisters working in many countries (Italy, germany, Belgium, Holland, Canada, USA, India...)  By the end of her life, there were over 2,000 sister established in 100+ houses on five continents during her life. She was canonized 2.5.1940 by Pope Pius XII.

MT - 977

PENES Mihaela 22.7.1947 -
Romunska športnica je na OI 1964 v Tokiu osvojila zlato medaljo v metanju kopja, na OI 1968 v Mexico Cityi pa srebrno medaljo.

Mihaela Peneş is a former track and field athlete from Romania, who competed mainly in the javelin throw. She competed for Romania at the 1964 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo, Japan in the javelin, where she won the gold medal ahead of Hungary's Márta Rudas. Four years later in the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City Hungary got revenge when Angéla Németh won the gold medal ahead of Peneş' silver.

              RO - 2352

Pesjakova Lujza 12.6.1828 - 31.3.1898
Lujza Pesjakova, pesnica in pisateljica. K njeni izobrazbi sta veliko pripomogla Prešeren, ki je služboval pri njenem očetu B. Crobathu, in Peter Petruzzi. Najprej je pisala nemške pesmi pod vtisom Prešernove poezije. Po 1860 se je pridružila slov. narodnemu gibanju in začela pesniti v slovenščini. Pisala je pesmi, tudi otroške pesmi, napisala je nekaj krajših pripovednih del. Za  čitalniške besede je pisala prologe ter priredila ali napisala nekaj dramskih besedil (Struo, Svitoslav Zajček, Na Koprivniku). Napisala je libreto za opero Gorenjski slavček. V nemščino je prevajala slov. pesmi, zlasti Prešernove.

Lujza Pesjakova first Slovenian women writer and poet. First she wrote in Germany language.Slovenian greatest poet Preseren persuated her to write in Slovene language. She wrote poems, stories, poems for children, articles for reviews. She translated Slovenian poems in Germany language.

             YU - 1442

PELENDRITOU Karolina 25.8.1986 -
Grška plavalka zmagovalka v plavanju 100 m prsno OI 2004 Atene.

Greek swimmer won gold medal on OG 2004 Athene - 100 m breaststroke.

           CY - 1053

Petit Gabrielle 1893 - 1.4.1916

During WW I she served in medical service of the Belgian Red Cross. She joined the English Secret sevice and became a spy. She collected information about the movements of the German troops and their railway communications. She was also active as a distributor for the clandestine newspaper La libre Belgique and the underground mail service Mot du Soldat and helped several young men crossing the Dutch border. She was betrayed by a so called Dutchman and arrested by the Germans in February 1916. She was sentenced to death and shooted. Only after the war - when her story became widely known - Gabrielle Petit became a martyr and a national heroine. Post mortem she was granted several medals and honorary titles. She is one of only eleven women to be executed by the Germans.

B - 3287

Petrović Nadežda 11.10.1873 - 4.4.1915
Nadežda Petrovič  je začetnica razvoja novega srbskega slikarstva. Razvila družbeno življenje, organizirala prve umetniške razstave in društva, pisala je kritike o evropski umetnosti, razstavljala v tujini in doma, dopisovala je v mnoge časopise. V Parizu se je navduševala nad Matisom.  Po nekih podrobnostih je enakovredna evropskim sodobnikom.

Nadezda Petrovic  is pioneer of modern painting in Jugoslavia. She was active in patriotic society of the time, she organized first Jugoslav art exhibitions, she was correpondent for many Serbian and Slovenian journals. She founded Serbian Art Society ans Jugoslav society "Lada". 

                  YU -
1523                          YU - 2863

Petrusenko Oksana 1900 - 1940
Znana ukrajinska operna in koncertna pevka - sopranistka. Od leta 1939 narodna umetnica Ukrajine. Pela je v različnih opernih hišah, od leta 1934 je bila članica Ukrajinske opere in baleta.

Famous ukrainan opera and concert singer - soprano.

       UA -

PETTERSEN Britt 24.11.1961 -
je nekdanja norveška smučarska tekačica. Tekmovala je v 80. tih letih 20. stoletja. Na OI 1984 je osvojila zlato medaljo v štafetnem teku 4 x 5 km in bronasto medaljo na 10 km. Na OI 1980 pa bronasto medaljo v štafeti 4 x 5. Na svetovnih prvenstvih v nordijskih disciplinah je osvojila eno zlato medaljo(1982: štafeta 4x5 km), eno srebrno (1985: 20 km) in dve bronasti (1982: 5 km, 1987: 10 km). V svetovnem pokalu v nordijskih disciplinah je bila dvakrat druga in dvakrat tretja.
Na znamki N-1030 je norveška ekipa, ki je na OI 1984 v Sarajevu osvojila zlato medaljo v štafeti 4 x 5 km: Pettersen Brit, Berit Aunli, Helene Inger Nybraten in Anne Jahren.

Brit Pettersen is a former Norwegian Cross-country skier who competed during the 1980's. Petterson earned one gold medal in OG 1984 - 4x5 km relay and two bronzes (OG 1984 10km and OG 1980 4x5 km relay). At the Nordic skiing World Championships, she won one gold (4x5 km relay - 1982), one silver (20km - 1985), and two bronzes (5km - 1982, 10km - 1987). She also won the 20km competition at the Holmenkollen ski festival twice (1983, 1987). In the Cross-country skiing World Cup, she finished second twice (1981/82, 1982/83) and third twice (1984/85, 1985/86).
On stamp N-1030 is winnig team from OG 1984: Pettersen Brit, Berit Aunli, Helene Inger Nybraten and Anne Jahren.

           N - 1030

PetursdoTtir Ragnhildur 1880 - 1961

 IS - 725

Peza Mine  1875 - 1942
Na znamki
AL-2090 je tudi Zoja Cure.

Albanian partisan.
On stamp
AL-2090 is also Zoja Cure.

            AL - 2090

Pfeffer Anna 31.8.1945 -
madžarska športnica, skupaj z Rajnal Klara, sta na OI 1976 v Montrealu v kajaku K-2 na 500 m osvojili srebrno medaljo. Na OI 1968 v Mexico City pa skupaj s Katalin Rozsnyói osvojila srebrno medaljo v isti disciplini. Na OI 1972 v Münchenu pa je osvojila bronasto medaljo v kajaku enojcu K-1 na 500 m.

She won silver medal in 1976 OG in Montreal in kayak pairs (k-2 500 m), together with Rajnal Klara. She also won silver medal on OG 1968 in Mexico City (K-2 500 m) and bronze medal on OG 1972 in München (K-1 500 m).

                    H - 3165

Philpsson Lena

 S - 1685

Piaf Edith 19.12.1915 - 11.10.1963
Francoska pevka Edith Piaf (pravo ime Edith Giovanna Gassion)  je pela s prepoznavnim in značilnim hripavim in čustvenim glasom. Od svojega 15. leta je pela po ulicah. Tu je dobila umetniško ime Piaf - slavček. Okoli 1930 je začela peti po nočnih klubih. Nastopala je po gledališčih in v filmih. Njeni najbolj znana pesmi sta La vie en rose in Non, je ne regrette rien.

The French singer Edith Piaf , sang in a uniquely husky and emotion-laden voice that, by the end of her life, was  recognized by millions.  A street singer from the age of 15, she was given her stage name, Piaf - sparrow. About 1930 she began singing in nightclubs. She also appeared in the theater and in films. The song La Vie en  Rose,composed by Piaf, was her trademark.


                  B -
2922                          F - 2786                                    RO -5506

Pineda Mariana 1.9.1804 - 26.5.1832

She married very young  and soon widowed with 2 children. She became very involved in liberal causes. In 1828 she assisted the escape from prison of her cousin, a noted liberal who had been condemnded to death. In a search of her house in 1831, a flag was discovered with the embroidered slogan "Equality, Freedom and Law" and she was arrested and accused of conspiracy. During the trial, the Judge tried to convince her to betray her accomplices in exchange for leniency, but she refused and was publicly executed.
In 1925 the playwright Federico García Lorca based his play Mariana Pineda on her story, turning the popular heroine into legend and myth.

Pintusevič Hana (Pintusevich Zhanna) 6.7.1972 -
Ukrajinska atletinja tekačica.

Ukrainian sport woman. Set world indoor record at 50m. At European Championships was 3 times 2nd (at 200m in 1994 and 1998, at 100m in 1994). Won 100m and 200m at European Junior 1991 and 60m at European Indoor. At European Cup 1994 won 200m and 4x100. National Indoor Championships: 2006 (1st, 60m).

UA - 491

Pisani Maria Adeodata 29.12.1806 - 25.2.1855

Benedictine novice at age 21. She renounced her wealth and title when she took her final vows. Cloistered nun for the rest of her life. Seamstress, sacristan, porter, teacher, and novice mistress. Abbess in 1851 to 1853, her ill health forcing her to end her service early. Noted for her sanctity, her love of the poor, self-imposed austerities, and ecstacies so complete that she was seen to levitate. Beatified 9.5.2001 by Pope John Paul II.

          MT - 857

Pisani Marie-Therese

Piskova Vela 1889 - 1925
organizatorka revolucionarnega delavskega gibanja v Bolgariji.

Organizer of Revolutionary Workers` Movement in Bulgaria.

BG - 1156

Podjavorinska Ludmila 26.4.1872 - 2.3.1951
čehoslovaška pisateljica (pravo ime Ludmila Riznerová).

Born and grew up in the family of a teacher, Karol Rudolf Rizner. She was writing poetry, prose and fiction for youth since  the 1890s. Her most fruitful period was 1892-1910. She developed close contacts with leading personalities of national life and literature (Vajanský, Škultéty, Vansová, Šoltésová), and was engaged as leader and lector in the so-called reading clubs. Under police surveillance during World War I, her output and activities were limited.


           CZ - 2076

Podzemna Ana 26.7.1909 - 13.8.1996
čehoslovaška slikarka,
mozaik na znamki: Kmečki upor

She was born in a well-known sculptor and wood carving family Sucharda. Main topic of their artistic work was humans in motion. It was not least therefore occupied intensively with the representation of sporty activities

            CZ - 2591

Polgar Zsuzsa 19.4.1969 -
Madžarska šahistka, ena od znamenitih sester šahistk (Judith, Sofia).

She is a Hungarian-American chees player, and one of the strongest female players ever, having been Women`s World Chess Champion (1996,97,98,99). In January 1991 Polgar became the first woman to earn the men's Grandmaster title by achieving three GM norms and rating over 2500. She has a total of 10 Olympiad Chees Medals (5 Gold, 4 Silver and 1 Bronze).

        YU - 3923

Polivanova Maria 24.10.1922 -1942
ostrostrelka, ruska junakinja druge svetovne vojne, dokumentirano je ubila 300 nemških vojakov.

Hero of the Soviet Union, female sniper during WW II. She killed 300 german soldiers.

POLOTSKAYA Euphrosiniya sv. (st.) 1101? - 1173

A princess, Lady-Superior of the St. Saviour Nunnery in Polotsk, an enlightener, the first woman in Rus, canonized by the church. She took her veil, copied the church books. She is believed to have written the chronicles and original works. She built at her own means 2 churches in Polotsk, founded the nunnery and the cloister that became the enlightenment centers in Polotsk Principality. At her order Lazar Bogsha created the cross in 1161 that was a specimen of the local artistic crafts. She underwent a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where she died. Her relics are kept in Polotsk Saviour-Efrosinia Nunnery

Polotzk Ragneda von 958? - 1002?

              BY - 40

Popelin Marie 16.9.1846 - 5.6.1913
Marie Popelin  je leta 1888 diplomirala kot prva belgijska pravnica, toda zaradi spola ni nikoli smela opravljati tega poklica. Ustanovila je Ligo za ženske pravice (1892), bila je predsednica Belgijske ženske zveze.

Marie Popelin  became in 1888 the first Belgian woman doctor of law. Because of sex she was never allowed to practise law. In 1892 she founded Le Legue for Women`s Rights, she was president of Council for Belgian Women. 

          B -

POPLAVSKAJA Kristina 24.7.1972 -
je litvanska veslačica, ki je na OI 2000 v Sydneyu dobila bronasto medaljo v dvojnem enojcu.
Na bloku LT-749 so imena tudi ostalih litvanskih dobitnic medalj na OI 2000:
Daina Gudzinevičiute in Diana Žiliute.

She is a Lithuanian rower who won an Olympic bronze medal in the Double Sculls event at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.
On sheet LT-749 are also names of other two lithuanian medals winners at OG 2000: Daina Gudzinevičiute and Diana Žiliute.

LT - 749

Popova Katja 21.1.1924 - 1966

Bulgarian soprano. After studies at the Conservatory of Sofia with Mara Marinova-Cibulka, Katja Spiridonova and Asen Dimitrov, she graduated with highest honors. Immediately employed by the Sofia National Opera, she debuted in 1947 as Esmeralda in The Bartered Bride. In 1964, after winning first prize at the Youth Festival in Budapest, Katja Popova went on to win the first prize in the Singing Competition in Prague. International appearances took the soprano to Germany and France. In 1959 she sang the role of Marguerite in Faust at both the Paris Grand Opéra and at the Vienna State Opera. In 1962 after repeating the same role in Brussels, she appeared in Russia and Czechoslovakia. Also known as an important concert singer, she was awarded the Dimitrov Prize, the highest of the Bulgarian awards. Tragically, Katja Popova, died at the peak of her career in 1966 in an airplane crash in Bratislava.


                    BG - 2041                                  BG - 3224  

POST Liza May 1965 -
nizozemska fotografinja
Na znamki NL-2283
je njena fotografija: Poskus.

She is Dutch artist and photographer. Her works are multi-disciplinary, she combines photography, film and video.
On stamp
NL-2283 is her photo: Trying.

            NL - 2283

PotoCka Maria

                PL - 3738

Potter Beatrix 28.7.1866 - 22.12.1943

The English author Helen Beatrix Potter wrote and illustrated about 28 children's stories, all with animals as characters. Her first books, some of which evolved out of letters she had written to children, include The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1901) and The Tailor of Gloucester (1902). The original illustrations for all of her works are now in the Tate Gallery in London. Potter's early life was severely restricted, her main outlet being her drawings and a diary, which she kept in a private code. In 1905 she became engaged to Norman Warne, the publisher of most of her books, but he died before they could be married. Near age 50, she married a country solicitor named William Heelis and became a sheep farmer, doing little more writing of consequence.
GB-797, GB-1436, GB-1498:Tales of Peter Rabbit
GB-2366: Mr. Jeremy Fisher

                                                                         Man - 1321-1324

GB - 797     
     GB - 1436

GB - 1498

     GB - 2366

GB - MH103

je češka ilustratorka, ki je v Bologni prejela nagrado Prix De Bologna za ilustracijo knjige Alice v čudežni deželi. Britanska vlada ji je leta 1990 podelila polletno štipendijo za študij na College of Art v Londonu.

Preradovic Paula-von 12.9.1887 - 25.5.1951
Avtorica besedila avstrijske nacionalne himne Paula von Preradovic se je rodila 12. oktobra 1887. Njen literarni opus obsegajo številne pesmi, prozna dela in manjša odrska dela. Je pesnica za ljudi, ki ji poezija pomeni "an obligation to convey the suffering witnessed". Je vnukinja znanega pesnika Petra Preradovića.

He is author of Austria's national anthem. Her literary works consist of numerous poems, prose, and small scenic works. She can be characterized as the "poetess among the people", for whom poetry always signified "an obligation to convey the suffering witnessed".

                       A -

Preussen Luise von 1776 - 1810
pruska kraljica

        D - 1428

Primačenko Maria 1908 - 1998
Maria Primačenko je naivna ukrajinska slikarka, ki ni nikoli študirala slikarstva. Na znamkah UA-344/345 sta in njeni deli: Renčeča žival in Divji Čarovnik. Privesek pa prikazuje umetnico v njenem studiu.

Maria Prymachenko is a peasant women from Ukraina and native artist. She never studied art. On stamps
UA-344/345 are their works: Jaberring Animal and Wild sorceror. The label shows artist in her studio. She is an Honored Artist of Ukraine.


                                                                                   UA -

Printemps Yvonne 25.7.1894 - 18.1.1977
Francoska pevka ter filmska in gledališka igralka s pravim imenom Yvonne Wignolle je že pri 13 letih plesala v reviji Folies Bergere v Parizu. Zaradi vedre narave so ji sodelavci dali pridevek Printemps (pomlad). Z nastopanji je začela v operetah. Zaradi svojega glasu in postave je bila zalo znana že v mladosti. Mednarodno je postala znana  leta 1934 s svojim nastopom v igri Noela Cowarda: Conversation Piece. Nastopala je v Parizu, v londonskem West Endu in v ZDA na Broadwayu. Igrala je v devetih filmih, med drugim tudi v filmski in gledališki verziji Trois Valses.

Born Yvonne Wignolle, she was dancing in revues at the Folies Bergere in Paris at age 13. Nicknamed Printemps - springtime by her fellow chorus members because of her sunny disposition, she started in operetta, appearing in such works as Les Contes de Perrault (1913) and Le Poilu (1916). Her voice and stage presence made her a great star at a young age. In 1934 she received international acclaim for her performance in the Noel Coward play, Conversation Piece. She performed in Paris and at London's West End before going to the United States to star on Broadway. She appeared in nine motion pictures, including the starring role in both the stage and screen versions of Trois Valses.

       F - 3044

Probst Maria 1.7.1902 - 1.5.1967
nemška političarka.

German politician one of the founders of Regional Association of Women of Christian Socialist Union party. She studied German philology in Munich. After WW II she was fighting for better working conditions of women. From 1963-67 she was president of European Women`s Union.

         D - 1956

Progonati Nimete 1929 - 1944
albanska partizanka

Albanian partisan


               AL - 2260

PRÜM Dany 18.2.1965

Luxembourgian painter first exhibited in 1989  at the Clairefontaine gallery and won the "Merit prize for young painters" from the CAL (Cercle Artistique Luxembourg). Since then, many exhibitions in Luxembourg and foreign countries have followed. She works in acrylic, chalk, varnish, and colours diluted with water.

                L - 1560

PUOTILA Ritva 1935 -

Fnish textile designer Ritva Puotila has given traditional paper yarn a completely new status, creating the harmonious combination of patterns and colour alternatives visible in Woodnotes’ products. Her interest in textiles began already as a child, and later on during her studies she began to participate in design competitions, winning several prizes and grants in Finnish rya rug design competitions. She also won first prize in a fashion fabric design competition arranged by Villayhtymä, the biggest woollen factory in Finland at that time. The motif of the stamp FI-1821 is a part of the work "Points" from the Year 2003.

       FI - 1821

PUTTELAAR Carla van de 1967 -
je nizozemska fotografinja.
Na znamki
NL-2288 je njena fotografija iz leta 1997: Lena.

She is Dutch photograph and studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. In 1996 she won the Esther Kroon award. She participated in several exhibitions, in Turin, Rome, Paris, Groningen and Amsterdam. Her works are mainly portraits and nudes.
On stamp NL-2288 is her photo from 1997: Lena.

            NL - 2288

PUUR Helmi 20.12.1933 -
estonska baletka

Estonian balet dancer studied in the famous Vaganov School in Leningrad. She made her debut in the twin role of Odette/Ottilie created a legend spanning generations. Her partner was the first ballet prince of Estonia, Artur Koit. 

            EE- 547

gor - up