Indian tradition danñer

Paravatie is from South India. She represents Bharat Natyam, a dance form steeped in temple traditions of India. This dance form represents the beauty and grace of Urvashi, Rambha, Menaka and Tilothna mythical beings from the court of INDRA - the king of Heaven. According to mythical lore these celestial beings are the protectors of feminine glory and grace. The costume worn by the Bharat Natyam is a reflection of rich cultural heritage and tradition. The shimmering silk with gold thread work and double pleated fan tucked into the hip belt makes the costume most distinctive. The dancer has an elaborate plait entertwined with jasmine. Dazzling temple jewelry (gold, rine stones white and red )adds additional opulence to the costume.The decor of the hair is done by Sinthi (A chain tucked at the center of head with a small piece flower hanging at the forehead) and Tiara (an ornament that lines along the hair line and falls on the forehead). It has three strings, the central one hangs from between and other two are tucked near the ear. She wears Jhumko (canopy kind hanging earrings) in her ear and nose ring with long chain that is to hook in the hair near the ear in her nose. Around her neck gold color chains are worn. Some of them are as following: Tinnari ( necklaces with three chains) Choker ( this fits along the throat line and the thickness is such that it covers the throat) Mop Chain (it is the longest amongst the chains worn). Seven bangles grace each arm and wear double ankle bells.Paravatie's forehead, hands & foots is marked by artistically designed patterns with acrilic paint, which for a real woman is replaced by vermillion and chandan (sandalwood) paste.

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