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Product Details
  • Audio CD (Mid 2007)
  • Original Release Date: Mid 2007
  • Number of Discs: 1
  • Label: Unsigned
  • ASIN: Yes, it is 'a sin'.
  • Also Available in: Darwin
  • Average Customer Review: based on 157 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: #[ERROR: CHAR TOO LARGE] in Music

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Editorial Reviews
Often compared to white noise, the youngsters in Fritzwicky make no bones about their love of the unique and unlistenable. Like Limp Biizkit, and their other favorite band, Home Town Boy, the tracks on Fritzwicky's debut make your fingers go straight for the power button. Fritzwicky don't even have that crackling aura their idols possess, and that's something that no amount of production can fix. Still, it's hard to write them off completely, perhaps time will see them reinvent themselves as a polka trio. Radiohead's Pablo Honey wasn't that great an album either. --JJ

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24 of 29 people found the following review helpful:

How could this be?, April 9, 2007
Reviewer:EmoHrdCore (MD USA) -
Despite the recent explosion of dancerock from the UK, Fritzwicky is perhaps the most worst Britpop band to emerge in years.

There is little to admire in this 25 minute 63 second E.P., even when it ends there lies the same repeditive riffs inside your head for hours to come. Here is my track-by-track review:

1. The wholesome saints of fritzwickyum
The first few seconds of this song consist of a mildly interesting drum arpeggio (courtesy of Tim Canihaveafork) that peaks with the screaming entry of yet another death metal try-hard (Steve Burger). I have said it before, and i will say it again, Snow Patrol are the only ones who can pull off this style of singing. So this continues for another three minutes until the keyboardist enters the fray, the decision to include such a strange instrument into the band scene does not prove a wise one. Pounding away at the black keys is Tom Morello (not the rage guy), his style is so heavily fisted that it is surprising to hear anything over his thudding. Guitar (Joe Morocco) enters in the closing five seconds of this unnecessarily long trial.

2. Who let the dogs out (reprise)
Thats right folks, Fritzwicky deem that they have the stones to pull off a slice of pop paradise with a cover more daring that Limp Bizkits second album.
Faint dog noises are looped for roughly eight minutes (an obvious nod to Good Charlotte), before the same screaming from track one comes in, yep, the same screaming. Then, after six seconds, the song comes to a welcome end.

3. Dey dun play 'em lika dey yousta
No they certainly don't. In case you haven't noticed by now, bass has yet to make a sound on this E.P. So here it is boys and girls, the moment you have been waiting for, thats right, Keith Pow-wow (yes that is his real name) steps away from the crack pipe to get behind the bass, and the results are crushing. Even the so called 17 minute bass solo (accompanied only by Steve on the kazoo) cannot distract from the fact that keith is actually playing the spoons. When the band come together for the last nine minutes of this song it sounds much like i imagine Limp Bizkit would sound covering Radiohead's 'Pyramid Song'.

Well that about sums it up, i would give it no stars if that was an option, but it isn't.