Welcome to my guestbook! Please leave me a note letting me know how you found this page and what you think of it.

Ira Dorfman - 11/12/00 23:45:01
My Email:dorfman@shore.net
Favourite webpage: actually, Gary, its Bloomberg
Favourite song: Mairsy Doates

I kept looking for the jokes, but I could't find them. No doubt, I should just keep returning to your site until I find them.

Malcolm Charlton AKA Pix Slicer - 09/03/00 17:50:43
My URL:http://www.glen-net.ca/malcolm
My Email:wsa@glen-net.ca
Favourite webpage: Mine - of couse!
Favourite song: There's Got to be a Morning After

Hi Gary .. Nice to get back in touch. Give my love to everyone who know me - and - what the hell - even to those who don't! Mac

Connie & Jeff - 06/12/00 03:05:00
My Email:revjeffandconnie@yahoo.com

Hi Gary - you're the first person we know with their own web page! It was fun to tour around! Jeff thinks you need a bigger picture of yourself!

Christina Cybertwit - 06/11/00 00:25:18
My Email:chrismick@game-master.com
Favourite webpage: Just got here!
Favourite song: Where Have All the Flowers Gone

Hi, Gary, Just stopped by for the fun of it. It shouldn't be too long before I can visit you myself instead through Ginny! :) Christina

Marivic - 05/12/00 08:14:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/marivic_carlos
My Email:marivic_carlos@yahoo.com
Favourite webpage: http://www.home.earthlink.net/~donmiguel1
Favourite song: Lot and more.

Hi cool!!...Visit me and sign my book. MABUHAY ANG PILINO AT TAYONG LAHAT!!!
Click to enter Carlos Corner

chrismick - 04/10/00 07:50:59
My Email:@game-master.com
Favourite webpage: Luv


Chrismick - 04/10/00 07:49:03


- 02/06/00 02:31:33
My Email:ginhome@videotron.ca

Chrismick says hello! (so do I - sister of chrismick)

phil - 11/13/99 22:32:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/pcd1
My Email:phil_115@antisocial.com
Favourite webpage: www.punkass.com
Favourite song: Anarchy by KMFDM

pretty cool page.. although i think it's over for miss riendeau :/

09/24/99 09:03:39
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Midnight Roach - 09/24/99 01:59:19
My URL:http://roachmission.iwarp.com
My Email:midnight_roach@hotmail.com
Favourite webpage: it's a toss up...:)
Favourite song: too many to name!

Hey Gary! I'm glad you finally got the chance to come and see me at my site!!!! I never knew you were so involved in so many things!! What are you? Super-man??? Take care...come visit me in the Oval so we can chat...late afternoon is best...otherwise, I'm too busy with the brats!

MariAnne Durrell - 07/27/99 22:48:45
My Email:kdurrell@videotron.ca

Hi Gary :) Heard you and Kev were almost famous with this web site by a friend so I had to check it out. Great job:) I love all the pictures. I didn't know you had song with Linnea Good. I'll have to go to UC bookstore to she about getting the new CD Lee and I are having a great time here in the National Capital Region. We hope you'll visit us when you've got some more free time. But we're glad to know you are doing well and we can check up on you here.

Diane Blackburn - 06/29/99 21:14:48
My Email:dgblackb@mobility.com

Didn't have time to surf your page. Got the news about Helen today (from Lois) and today is the first anniversary of my father's death so all in all it has been sad. Glad to see you're alive and well at John Abbott???? You've had an interesting career pa h and it is comforting to know that you are still out there doing good things for your community. Keep well. Diane

Elfie - 04/14/99 04:28:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rainforest/3472
My Email:elfie@interlog.com
Favourite webpage: Yours still!
Favourite song: Do the Bartman!

Had some extra time to surf tonight... Hey, nothing's new! (except for the lack of frames -- good move!) I still get your frames page, though. I'll just have to update my bookmark. (Tiger walks AND talks!)

Lois Todd - 03/16/99 21:34:38
My Email:lois.todd@ca.pwcglobal.com
Favourite webpage: American Birding Association

Gary: Haven't checked out your page for a while! We haven't yet got internet at home (lack of "round tuits") and don't have time at work to browse (if I want to stay employed, that is). I expect with Mom & Dad now in TO that I won't get back to Mtl as ften, but I'm trying to put together a business trip next month that I can expand over a weekend to see you & the gang. Do any of the others have their own Web pages that you know of? Gotta go - we may be far apart but you're still in my prayers.

kent gibbs - 02/01/99 05:34:27
My Email:kgibbs@mindspring.com

Zonker, stopped by while looking at Canadian Optimist sites--your's is tops--I am interested in finding ambitious Canadians--Montreal based Teleglobe, Inc is opening a great home-based opportunity 2nd week of Feb for net freaks and others. Check out www. eleglobe.com. I would like to talk commerce with some Optimists--English speaking preferred. Kent Gibbs, Arab, AL, USA

Jean-Claude Rémy - 12/22/98 03:16:00
My Email:cremy@sprint.ca

Hi! First I want to say that I am too new to this computer and internet stuff, so I am in no position to offer any constructive comment other that"wow" this internet information accessibility is out of this world and I am still a lot more of a danger to my computer until I learn to do tings properly and require a total wipe out of it because of me being to daring and stupid and not taking to time to really know wath I am getting into!!! (cost me $60.00 too!!!!!!!) Anyway, I have been hearing about you through the years ( a lot from Bernstein) and I am glad to see that you seem to be doing ok. Seems that a lot of things at work for you revolve around John Abbott and it sounds like it's not about to stop (re webma ter; don't know exactly what it means but sounds good!) Sorry to hear (or should I say read?) that your mother is not well and in the hospital for a while , if I understood correctly. Hope your father is ok. If you have the chance, could you please explain to me why my "tab" button is not working as a tab button when I am in your guestbook? when I press it to change paragraphs it makes my "writing cursor" disapear and I have to use my mouse again to reposi ion myself so that I can continue writing to you. Dont forget that I am not computer knowledgable so if you dont understand my terms dont worry about it! Before signing off I should tell you that I have tried the ICQ thing before, but I am not sure if it worked or not. I'll figure it out eventually! Take care off yourself and have a Merry Christmas and hope Santa is nice to you. JC

carolyn - 12/12/98 01:09:51
My Email:cremy@sprint.ca

let`s not lose touch again

Lois - 12/02/98 15:44:16
My Email:lois.todd@ca.pwcglobal.com

Hi Gary - haven't checked out the page for a while and I'm impressed (not being a 'webbie' yet). How come you don't have the Xmas 96 photo of the old group on your Friends page? Your youth group looks great - congrats and God bless.

Jade - 11/30/98 04:36:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Maze/5822/
My Email:burnedbycallisto
Favourite webpage: www.comawhite.com
Favourite song: Malibu by Hole (4 now)

Hey Zonky... Nice page you got there... Just thought I'd drop by and say hi... keep up the good work! :)

Lisekuz - 10/28/98 02:03:29

wanted to let you know I could not get the display in church picture to download - nice pictures of the kids.

Janet - 10/12/98 03:23:16
My Email:jdinsmore@worldnet.att.net

Great looking web page Gary. I haven't seen it for a while and I'm really impressed with it. Keep up the good work.

Andrea - 10/06/98 17:35:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/southbeach/shores/6521/
My Email:andreariv@aol.com
Favourite webpage: MINE OF COURSE!!!

HI NEIGHBOR! Thanks for signing my homepage. I decided to pay you wa visit....and sign your geustbook. Nice webpage. You have a lot of stuff!! Well, keep up the good work :)

10/01/98 10:17:52
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Paul Hansen - 09/24/98 12:44:51
My URL:http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/msf-dsm/main.htm
My Email:hansenpa@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Favourite webpage: http://www.uta.fi/yhteydet/sarjissivu.html
Favourite song: Never Been To Spain - Three Dog Night

Hi, Gary - haven't seen y'all for a while. Looks like things are pretty good your end. Give my sister-in-law a hug for me next time you see her. How come she's not on your "Friends" page? You can email Joyce at jfettes@ibm.net Cheers

Cindy - 09/11/98 14:01:11
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Freda Jackson - 09/07/98 07:11:40
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/vermeer/219/SheCat.html
My Email:SheCat@fcmail.com
Favourite webpage: Wayyy to many to name
Favourite song: In Dreams -- Roy Orbison

Fun site, did you have a good time at the weddings, hehe. Okay so what part of Mass. were you in, I live in Boston. I will have to come back and take a better look at the Acapella groups. I like it if they are really with it:):):) SheCat

Lise Kuzminska - 07/29/98 00:46:45

Didnthave time to look at everything - cool tho will let you know more later

Jason "Arcmaze" Maisonet - 07/26/98 21:41:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Cafe/8633
My Email:jason@oceanwide.com
Favourite webpage: Bert is Evil! (Http://www.fractalcow.com)
Favourite song: Misguided Angel (Cowboy Junkies)

Greetings, Zonker. Arcmaze here. Long time no speak...Then again, Crypt doesn't seem to like my modem for some reason... Excellent page, and I hope to speak to you soon!

Grey Poltergeist - 07/01/98 01:31:25
My URL:http://www.axess.com/The_Den
My Email:mongo@innocent.com
Favourite webpage: Mine (sigh) and any comics ones...
Favourite song: ONE song???

... you might as well have asked me for one GROUP... Good work. I respect your bravery in putting up the ZandraWorship page! :-)

Don DesChamps - 06/28/98 12:45:11
My Email:dond@odyssee.net
Favourite webpage: Haven't decided yet
Favourite song: Too many to say

Hey, Gary. On the BBS you mentioned some photos. I didn't see anything on them today when I browsed. Where are they? Of course, in my fatigues state I may have missed the link, whatever. Don

Avyla (Shannon) - 06/18/98 20:42:27
My Email:aavylaa@hotmial.com
Favourite webpage: YOURS and everything else on the internet
Favourite song: Stripped by DM

Hi Gary! I LOVED your page and it inspired me with some ideas for my own... can I DL a picture of you for it?

Tombster - 06/17/98 04:41:54
My Email:tomstone@total.net
Favourite webpage: Zonker's Web Page
Favourite song: Jessica

WOW!! What a site!! I will be visiting often!! Tombster!!

Cath - 06/06/98 18:03:53
Favourite webpage: Toss Up Between Lilith Fair and Sarah McLachlan's Page. :)

AUGH! I hate frames!! I can't get out of them! You evil, evil man, Gary!!! :P Heh heh. :)

Shadow - 05/18/98 14:57:12
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/3448/
My Email:roy@waterworksia.com
Favourite webpage: http://pages.infinit.net/wowi/
Favourite song: There are just WAY too many to list...

It's a HomePage! I tellya, all my old BBS friends are at GeoCities these days... ;) Nice work, Gar... Talk to you soon!

Flank - 05/03/98 22:59:35
My Email:healys@sprint.ca

You're turning into a real cybernut! Nice to see your ugly puss again even if it's only a jpeg. Peace..

dr_spock - 04/28/98 22:36:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yosemite/trails/6916
My Email:dr_spock@oocities.com
Favourite song: Yesterday

Greetings Zonker!

Janna - 04/15/98 00:48:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Surgegirrl/index.html
My Email:Mojavefrog@aol.com
Favourite webpage: http://www.supertones.com
Favourite song: Adonai - by the Supertones

Your site is really great. I had never heard of the United Church of Canada (probably cause I'm down in good ol' S. California.) it sounds like a really great church. Please email me I'd like to talk to you about it.

Elfie - 04/06/98 23:22:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rainforest/3472
My Email:elfie_elfie@hotmail.com
Favourite webpage: Still yours!
Favourite song: Still doesn't translate

You never said anything about posting PICTURES with those links! But thanks for picking one of the more flattering ones from the wedding. Get Spock to send you his URL, and then paste a picture of him from the wedding wearing the kitty ears. [evil GRIN]

Ray - 04/05/98 18:58:52
My Email:Damien@iq.ca
Favourite webpage: Yours of course!
Favourite song: Tub-Thumping

What other page could possibly be better? And Tub-thumping is only my favorite song today, yesterday it was Jimmy-Ray! :)

Annie - 04/05/98 17:44:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Shores/6534
My Email:foolishness@alloymail.com
Favourite webpage: Mine
Favourite song: I will buy you a new life

Hey, cool page. Now you need to go to mine and sign my book hehe. I like your little graphics, they're cool.

Glenn Funamoto - 03/31/98 03:37:44
My Email:glenn.funamoto@notes.canadair.ca

Good effort Gary. Your personality comes through. Pictures are neat, but on slower modems it is a killer. I only check out your site on the office connection or on my portable's 28.8 modem. Thanks for letting me know you have a web site. I will check on it from time to time. Maybe I'll create one this summer, possibly as a project with the kids. Go in peace, Glenn

André Asch - 03/30/98 18:58:03
My Email:asch@writemec.om

Nice job! Note: Sylvie and I have new e-mail adresses André: asch@writeme.com Sylvie: scajelait@writeme.com

Jaosn Tompkins - 03/28/98 19:40:36
My URL:http://haveone.cant.think.of.the.address.com!
My Email:typoking@mailcity.com
Favourite webpage: anything associaited with South Park!
Favourite song: hmm..Rainy Day WOmen 12 & 35 (Dylan) or Walkin' on the sun by Smash Mouth

cool site Unc! I have a website, but I can't load pics on to it, so it kinda died!

Jaosn Tompkins - 03/28/98 19:38:31
My URL:http://haveone.cant.think.of.the.address.com!


Dan Throop - 03/26/98 14:29:08
My Email:dan@moneyconceptsoc.on.ca
Favourite song: Some Days

Hi Gary Hope your taxes are going well

Darren - 03/26/98 03:14:03
Favourite webpage: http://www.innerviews.org
Favourite song: Later ;^)

Hi Gary, welcome to the web!

Diane Tompkins - 03/26/98 00:53:31
My Email:dtompkins@sympatico.ca
Favourite song: ??I have so many!!!!!

Hi Gary...great homepage. I have used HTML before too. I designed my own homepage and it was on the net before I left Nfld....but, I have since forgotten the URL. Anyway, your page is great. Diane

Dave Ingham - 03/25/98 17:28:57
Your favourite song: Depends on the mood

Hey Gar. Great Start. I'm only starting this web browsing stuff so don't have a favourite webpage. Keep in touch

DURRELL, Kevan A. - 03/25/98 13:44:33
My URL:http://www.sourceworks.com/
My Email:kdurrell@sympatico.ca
Your favourite webpage: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/cgi-bin/demos/countdown.cgi?1998,5,16,16,0,0
Your favourite song: Soggy Pretzels

HTML is fun in a sort of maddingly, frustrating way. It will be much better when ALL word processors have an HTML export function. In the meantime, have fun with notepad! :-P

Lois Todd - 03/25/98 13:34:09
My Email:lois.todd@ca.coopers.com
Your favourite webpage: http://www.bsc-eoc.org and http://www.nornet.on.ca./~bsc
Your favourite song: Unchained Melody

Site looks good so far. Looking forward to watching it "grow".

Alan - 03/25/98 04:01:38
My Email:atompkins@sprint.ca
Your favourite song: Bridge over Troubled water (Simon & Garfunkel) or anything by Celine Dion !

Zonker Cute page, well done frere ! Once Dare has a page I'll give you a link Alan daresafe

Elfie - 03/25/98 00:35:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rainforest/3472
My Email:elfie_elfie@hotmail.com
Your favourite webpage: Zonker's!
Your favourite song: It doesn't translate

Hiya, Zonker. Nice page. Cute animation. I have to get me an animation, too. Of course, you probably want to forget how to get to my page... I guess this means I have to get off my duff and write up that critique of my favorite book "How to Shit in the Woods"! [GRIN]

Doug D. aka "Howser" - 03/24/98 22:25:24
My URL:http://www.storm.ca\~dougd\
My Email:dougd@storm.ca
Your favourite webpage: http://www.city-net.com/~lmann/dps/
Your favourite song: "Get Back" by the Beatles!

Nice work Zonker! Now I'll just have to borrow some of this code.... I sure do miss the good old days of "The Crypt" and of course, "The Second Floor" BBS...but this Internet thingie is kinda fun too... :) *** Howser *** (now they call me Doug D.)

Cath - 03/22/98 15:34:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/6701/
My Email:cathmir@oocities.com
Your favourite webpage: Sarah McLachlan's Official Home Page
Your favourite song: All I Ever Have To Be - Amy Grant

Hi Gary! Favourite Song, huh.. that's a toughie! I like what you have done so far to the page. Mir and I wil have to get us a guest book now. Can't let you beat us with cool stuff on thepage!! Love, Cath :) smile

WILD Munchkin - 03/21/98 07:09:01
My Email:WILDMunch@aol.com
Your favourite webpage: www.countingcrows.com
Your favourite song: Mr. Jones (accoustic version) - The Counting Crows

Yay! I'm the first to sign Zonker's Guest book! Yippee! And I get to be a Beta-Tester! Great work Zonker! It's nice to know that people like you exist in this world, and I'll always have fond memories of the SongFests I've attended! Peace! Hugs, WILDy

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