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Who Are We?

Well we were previously known as "4 Guys n' a Gal" and we belong to NUS's Cyberarts Studios. We have been embarking on projects all year round and have been tasked to come up with a new application inspired by the Balance scorecard and the existing Dashboard systems in the management world today.

Having done numerous amounts of research on measurements and quantifying intangible parameters in the everyday operations in a typical office, we have come out with a new product, the C.A.R.S tool which allows for improved though not perfect (yet) office management, feedback and gauge on how well the company is running.

shadow-people However, selling our application is not our sole purpose getting into this management scene. We at Cyberarts Studios believe that one should reflect on what one creates. How does it improve this generation of people? What are companies using it for? Like for every tool, it is the user who determines the value of it by how he decides to use it. Hence to bring across certain values for our users we have designed our first of many art pieces that evokes a reflective reaction from the audience. This is in hope to remind all of us that in the corporate world, people still comes first. We are not some machine, being scrutinized as if our lives were just a bunch of parameters. No. We are not. But we are people who needs an overview, communication and sometimes a guide or gauge to how we and those under us perform.

Our Name

Basically Metric refers to the mathematically term where everything in our lives are some sort of a calculated move, the gauge we give our selves are in terms of mathematics algorithmic terms. Matrix refers also to mathematical matrixes but also more inspired by the movie The Matrix where the question of what reality really is. Is life as it seems to us, are we just a bunch of machines going around trying to work to the best of our function? Well we do not think so. So that was how we arrived we our name.

Our Logo

Our logo show one arrow pointing up, a rectangle and another arrow pointing down. This symbolizes the 3 directions the measurements of life can go. Up, stagnant or down. This embodies the projects we do as well as the reality of the ups and downs of life.




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