This page is primarily dedicated to answering one question i'm sure you're curious to know about unless you know me or you think you do. So it is dedicated to writing just for the sake of writing. The question is Who am I? but still Who are You?

We're both #1, the one #1 Fat Boy Slim  meant.

and all is human blood

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I believe in growing up

in Van Gogh-s

I believe in the blind man who taught me how to see

I believe in the lack of faith

and in choice

I believe you are still reading this page wondering what I lack that I'm so eagerly trying to

make things sound philosophical, yet manage to reach only till the point of


Lack of faith is what I'm missing.


I believe that to be or not to be   is really one and the same thing because

you are something and not another thing at the same time. Unless

you are all. Unless you're God. Or a DJ. Or my church.Where

I heal my hurts. So "Let It Be" is kind of pointless.

Today. When Love's not just a simple

game to play.


I believe this

has to end sooner or later but I don't

know when. My inspiration is pushing me forth to

vomit...words. Now it's real sick. The inspiration. It seems it'll soon

drown in the flood. Unless somebody wipes it all out.

Time will.

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Behind the "I will enter. Whatever"

                                                                  are more credos   

I believe in my friend of misery

because he's the one who shares the pain.

I don't believe in friends with fears.

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I believe in change.

That's just the way it is. Things will never be the same.

Whether positive or negative, change is sort of an escape from the ever continuing sameness, from the day that puts you to sleep with its hot, hot sun and lack of refreshing breeze.

Change is like a weather phenomenon. Affects all. It might be a weak sunlight that slowly but surely turns your skin dark  black. It could also be a sudden storm that leaves you naked in the middle of a wasteland.

Whatever it is it provides the connection between you and

Change is a sort of racing. And one does not always get the fastest car.

Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes you are behind. The race is long and, in the end,

it's only with yourself.


To change one has to sometimes just push the button (or pull the trigger)

and the direction of the cassete will reverse. You'll hear the same song once again. This time you'll know the words.

So, don't stop the recorder. Sing it as if the second time is gonna be the last

....day on earth

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