History of Delta Omicron Zeta Chapter
Delta Omicron Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was established in 1942 in Boston, Massachusetts.  Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was not well known in Massachusetts, but through the hard work and steadfastness of its charter members:

Soror Adelle Evans - (Deceased)
Soror Odessa Skeete Hanks - (First Chapter Basileus)
Soror Mary Holman
Soror Jaunita Williams

not only did Delta Omicron Zeta hold its own in Black Greekdom, but became a visible part of the Greek letter organizations in the Boston area.

Delta Omicron Zeta sponsors a citywide undergraduate chapter, Theta Alpha Chapter. Theta Alpha was chartered in 1933.  The sorors of Delta Omicron Zeta decided to sponsor a group of college women in the Boston area to carry on the activities of the beloved sorority. 

Theta Alpha Sorors serve the community and campuses as volunteers through social and cultural programs.  Delta Omicron Zeta and Theta Alpha work on various community service projects.

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