MACH 2001 Model II

Robot Lawnmower

(Updated 29 August 2001)

Now controlled by the PIC16F84 Micro Controller!

Front view of the new MACH 2001 Model II

 (The 386 computer controller is now obsolete)


Rear view of the new MACH 2001 Model II

I was a bit concerned about the weight of the gel cell batteries above the castor wheel. As it turned out , the performance of this design exceeded my expectations. The design is a true three wheeler. The castor at the back is of quite a high quality which I am sure is really necessary.

This design evolved after a lot of experiments done with the original MACH 2001 which had a few flaws as far as traction was concerned and an oversized controller , the 386DX40 Computer.

The relay driver board used to isolate the PIC16F84

This is the same board used in the original MACH 2001 but is mounted in a different place. The board is placed between the PIC Micro controller board and the automotive relays used to switch the wiper motors.

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