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Writer: Ron Presley

Fanfic(s) MSTed: "Link meets the staff of HTLOZ!", "Link meets the X-Men!", and "Link on Oprah Winfrey"

Rating: This MST is rated G for Goofy.

Special Thanks to: Ron Presley for giving me permission to MST this fanfic. 7 of 11 and StarlitUni pre-read, for which I was very grateful... of course, now that it's changed so much they probably wouldn't recognize it even if they DID remember it.

Original FFN Reviews

First Published: September 9, 2000

Last Edited: February 26, 2004

Notes: This is the first MST I ever wrote. I wrote it in about a day, and if you could read the first version, you would know it was written in about a day. However, it was a good step up, and it was the first Zelda related MST in the FFN Zelda genre (not in the whole genre, turns out somebody beat me to it on another site).

Summary: Kill Link. Kill Link. Find new ways to kill Link. Shame Link. Then blame the horrible grammar and punctuation for his death.

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