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Writer: BarretWallace

Fanfic MSTed: Zelda: Now and Then

Rating: This MST is rated PG for slight language (on the part of the fanfic) and severe stupidity, which may retard brain growth in younger readers.

Special Thanks to: StarlitUni, Topaz989, PostRapture, Ron Presley, and Coke for support, prereading, and ideas.

Original FFN Reviews

First Published: October 31, 2000

Last Edited: February 26, 2004

Notes: I was never able to contact BarretWallace; his email didn't work and he only got on his IM once (if it was even him after that length of time). The guy obviously doesn't want to touch his own fanfiction from embarrassment, much less talk about it. On another note, way back then Topaz989 and PostRapture told me that the Mary-Sue character in this fanfic is based on an actual writer whose name is Juliet Singleton. Although I would like to kill the character in the fanfic, please realize that in no way, form, or fashion do I have anything against Ms. Singleton in this case where unrequited adoration goes too far.

On another note, as I was editing this MST, I got this note from Microsoft Word that said, basically: "There are so many grammar and spelling errors in this that I'm going to stop counting before I destroy myself." That's just a little HINT on how bad this sucker is.

Summary: Mary-Sue Juliet goes to Hyrule to save everybody! Evil baddies pop up at random encounters with random characters in random crossovers (there are about 10, I think, but I haven't counted), and evil is TRULY DOOMED with a never-ending PokeRap! It's so bad that it makes every sane reader want to cry!

Read each hilarious chapter of ZST3k2.

Book 1: Dark Artifact
Book 2: Balance of Power
Book 3: Tipping the scales
Book 4: The Quest and Book 5: Go, Go, Axem Rangers