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Writer: Khale (mmm, yummy!)

Fanfics MSTed: "Ruto's Love I" and "Book II: Ruto's Love 2, Starlight Everlasting"

Rating: This MST is rated PG for Pretty Gay.

Special Thanks to: Khale, who kindly allowed me to use her fanfiction. Misty Margera, who alerted me to the fact these fanfics existed. Jigglypuff and StarlitUni, for being my prereaders.

First Published: February 26, 2004

Notes: This 5th MST didn't come out because (a) it was WAY too long, (b) I added a lot of fanfics to it and none of them got finished, and (c) FFN banned MSTs around this time on the premise that they were posting the same story over again, or something. I'm still not entirely sure why they did it, although I read the explanation paragraph about three or four times. They don't understand! It's the only sure-fire deterrent against crapola!

Summary: Ruto enslaves Link and brainwashes him into LOVE! A mysterious evil sends hobo Stalfos to take over the world!... well, sort of. Meanwhile, Poes go camping, and Saria is sent flying into a cliff in the forest. And weddings and meaningless dreams that mean about as much as a BarrettWallace fic? You bet! It's got EVERYTHING!

Read each hilarious installment of ZST3k5!