Roller Coaster Reviews - Conneaut Lake Park

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Here are some of the coasters, and what we think of them, at Conneaut Lake Park.


Blue Streak
This classic coaster is still a popular ride among enthusiasts. Seat position makes a big difference to the feel of this coaster. Sometimes the ride was rough, sometimes smooth. The ride felt slower in the front, with precious little air. The back row, though, tried to throw us out. This was one of the few coasters where a lap bar would literally save your life.

Blue Streak looks pretty shabby, though though the trains are in good shape. The lift hill, and chain, were anything but straight. A ground-hugging stretch of the return run had weeds poking up between the rails. And a few extra bents and supports have been added to hold the whole thing up, looking like flying buttresses of pressure-treated lumber. Very odd.

Blue Streak

Picture of coaster train

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