What you are about to see here is a photographic essay dedicated to the memory of a 40 year old landmark.

What is it you ask ???  A relic of architecture ???  A dinosaur that is lost among a modern society ???
A piece of history that once flourished and now rests quietly awaiting it's planned demise !!!UPDATE: LATEST NEWS...MALL IS NOW GONE !! RIP 1962-2004

A ghostly image of the sign that once greeted hordes of excited shoppers

Parole Plaza first opened it's doors in the year 1962, in the outskirts of the city of Annapolis Maryland.  Only the second of it's kind in the entire state, it ushered in a new era of convienience.  The one stop shopping adventure allowed the modern, mobile consumer a chance to purchace everything from bread, milk and toilet paper, to shoes and slacks, to books, tvs or even a hunting riffle !

Once a bustling SEARS, now an empty shell

Vacant concourse that once housed a variety of popular stores

Boarded up row that once housed many thriving businesses

A modern ghost town awaits the wrecking ball

This building once housed a Kmart

Another side of the SEARS store

Former Woodward & Lothrop (WOODIES) store, added to mall a few years later

Located just off of US 50 outside of Annapolis, it
became a popular spot for those who wanted a centralized shopping
venue.  It's major attractions were a Sears and Woodward & Lothrop
anchors with various smaller stores scattered throughout it's large
courtyard.  The shopping center was fairly successful until the late 1970s,
when the construction of Annapolis Mall occurred (located within 1 mile of
Parole Plaza), at which time the Parole Plaza took on the role of ancillary
mall, with it's aging facades and deteriorating infrastructure.  Thanks to the
continued leasing by the 2 major anchors and a Kmart, the center survived
until the early 1990's with the close of the Woodward & Lothrop
(Woodies) store, followed by the move of the Kmart to a freshly constructed
facility.  Tenants of the mall slowly vanished in the mid to late 1990's until
the only fixtures left in the center were the Sears and a weekend flea
market housed in one of the larger vacancies in the center.  The Sears
finally closed in April of 2002, moving into the nearby Annapolis Mall's
recently vacated anchor Montgomery Wards.  Parole Plaza was
demolished in the late summer of 2004 to make way for a Walmart and an
office/retail/residential complex which will include a transportation center. The once mighty retail marvel no longer stands, and has met it's destiny with the wrecking ball.
  Parole Plaza was an excellent example of late 50's/early 60's style retail
architecture.  It is sad to know that the mall has been domolished, instead
of being restored to it's former glory.

Terra Server Image from 1994: 

Links with information about Parole Plaza:

Other links with photos of Parole Plaza:

If you have any additional information regarding Parole Plaza (especially older 1960's thru 1980's photographs or historical information), please feel free to email the webmaster
Dan Carter

All images and text contained on this page © 2002-2005 Dan Carter.  Please email for permission before using any copywrite material LAST UPDATED 09:08pm EST April 05, 2005