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My wife bought the first snowbaby as a present for someone else. When it came time to mail it, she changed her mind, and convinced herself that it would not be appreciated, and so was forced to keep it herself. I am sure the other person will never know just how close she came to becoming addicted. There is now doubt snowbabies grow on you.

I perhaps made the fatal mistake. We were decorating the house for Christmas two years ago and I decided they would look good in the green house window located in her bathroom. I actually did it as a tease, as she honestly couldn't keep cactus alive in it. The display was a success at our open house. I noticed the next year that there were a few more, in fact the window was full, too full. I made a vow right then, that there would be no more snowbabies in the green house window, but that only presented me with a new problem, a new display

Snowbabies are a real challenge to display, Colored lights tend to wash out their faces. I used a 150 light all white multi-function, lights, different speeds seem to give it different forms of animation. Buffalo snow covers the light cords and makes a wintry playground. The green frosty plastic ferns give color to the overall display. The red lights near the Palace were an after thought. Kind of a threat, that fizzled, but added an accent to the top level.

Wisps of Buffalo Snow make up the clouds, high lighted by d56 spot lights.

On either side of the Ice Palace from Snow Village there are small matching buildings I found at the Gift Gallery in Northridge California.It has a red flicker lights which in my opinion really sets it off. However I tell my wife , that it is really the Sun God and if they don't stop multiplying I am going to open the Gates and let him out.

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