The greatness of a man does not consist in the working of miracles or the doing of wonders; neither does it lie in the preaching of sermons or the formulating of theories, it lies in the possession of a mighty personality. Personality is one of the indescribable wonders of the world. It conciliates opposition and inspires respect and imitation, which results eventually in implicit obedience. It changes ideas and revolutionizes the thoughts, beliefs and actions of generations of the races of mankind. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was such a personality. There have been other personalities in the world. We may clothe them with attributes they never possess, we may attribute to them virtues and ethics they never owned or taught. We may crucify saviours or transfer them from the human to the divine, but all this is an after thought to magnify a unit of humanity.


Our test, therefore, as to a person believed to possess personality, must be in the changes and influence wrought by this man. And if this test is right - Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is a unique character, seeing that no other reformer, Prophet, nor even any God-incarnate, could have and lay claim to that love, devotion and obedience that came to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from his followers, who were not of low station, or of inferior mental calibre, but men of position, rank, wealth and culture.

For twelve years the early Muslims suffered frightful persecution at the hands of idolaters, and yet their number steadily increased. Though its numbers were subjected to the most cruel tortures, there were few apostates, and many converts to the faith of Allah. It was the personality of the Prophet - the most charming that the world has ever known - that made Islam grow in the nascent period of its' birth.


In Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam we have the ideal personality, who in his own lifetime moulds the character of his fellowmen, reforms them, changes their thoughts, puts new ideas before them, elevates them to a higher plane, and, in spite of themselves, drive them onwards and upwards on the path of progress, to the fullness of a better and holier life.

In the furnace of trial and persecution the ore of character becomes burnished gold. Adversity and hardship bring out what lies in man, they either make of him an everlasting character, the light of which shall shine always and everywhere, or reduce him to nothingness and oblivion. Therefore those who aspire after greatness and success must be prepared to tread the path of sacrifice and the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam distinguished himself in all the attributes that makes him the Greatest Ideal Personality.