A Perfect Man - I

This is the first in a series of articles highlighting certain aspects of the character and personality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Topics such as his honesty, generosity, sincerity and hospitality will be discussed in future articles.


This earth has seen great men in the thousands, who achieved greatness in one area or another. Some of them even left their marks on the pages of history. Great kings, warriors, conquerors, philosophers, law-givers, poets and military generals came on the stage of this world and temporarily influenced the lives of people in one way or another and left without leaving anything permanent in the form of their personal example or eternal teaching. Some of these great men might have influenced some aspects of human life in different ways and in different manners, but none has affected it in its totality.

The Messengers of Allah were the only persons who influenced human life in different ways in its totality. They brought virtue and goodness and removed evil and sufferings. They purified the entire system of their day; economic, social and political, from excesses and malpractices and established justice and benevolence in every walk of life. They made these revolutionary changes in society through their Divine teachings and personal examples, and not by coercion. Even the Messengers of Allah, such as Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Isa Alaihimus Salaam who changed the course of history and influenced the lives of men by their teachings and outstanding personal example, have not left behind much from which present or future generations can get inspiration.

Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the only Messenger and personality in history whose entire life record is fully preserved. Not only the important events of his life, but the record of his daily life, from birth to passing-on is written on the pages of history. All his sayings, doings, actions and the details of his conduct and character are kept. In short, his whole life, at home, in the mosque and outside, was fully known to his companions, and was recorded as an open book so that the following generations could learn lessons and get inspiration from his example.

Another thing about his life is that it is most comprehensive and perfect and can serve as an ideal for men and women of all ages, working in all professions and trades. Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was not only a Messenger, but a man as well. He taught people to be good, honest and just in their private as well as public dealings and his teaching was not confined to the mosque. At home he talked with his wives and in the market place he explained principles of buying and selling. When he was receiving deputations from abroad, he talked about inter-state matters which laid the foundations of international law. When at war, he devised laws of war and peace. While deciding disputes between his companions, he gave them a civil and criminal code of judgement. And to protect the rights of individuals and groups in the state, he gave them the judgements which later became the constitutional law of the Islamic state.

Fortunately, he left a comprehensive account of all his experiences for the benefit of future generations. His teachings are preserved in their original form in the Holy Qur'aan, and his sayings and doings are preserved in the form of the Hadith. These records cover matters of morality, spirituality, economics, sociology and politics. The advice is absolutely perfect and free from human weakness. It shows the moderate way of life, avoiding the extremes to both sides. Besides, it is practical and meets all the needs of man. Above all, the living example of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is completely preserved to command love and reverence from his followers and inspire generations of people for ever. These two sources, the teachings and the life example of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam will always provide light and guidance to those who need it. People can seek light from his Message and guidance from his life; the two are the eternal sources of guidance for men and women in their struggle to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life. He has set very high and noble ideals through his practical example for all of mankind to follow in every field of life.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala describes the personality of Hazrat Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in these words: "And you stand on an exalted standard of character" (Holy Qur'an 68: ayat 4). Thus in the words of Allah Ta'ala, the standard of his character and personality is far above that of any other creation. He possessed the best and noblest qualities of the perfect man and was like a jewel illuminating the dark environment with his radiant personality, ideal example and glorious message.

Someone once enquired about his character and manners from Bibi Aisha Radiyallahu Anha, and she replied that the Qur'aan was his character. This means that not only did he verbally teach the Qur'aan to the people, but practised it and was himself a perfect example of the Qur'aan in practice. Whatever the Holy Qur'aan commands, he obeyed and whatever it forbids, he abstained from it more than anyone else. Hazrat Jabir Radiyallahu Anhu reports that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:"Allah has sent me to perfect good qualities and to complete good deeds". The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is thus a true example of a perfect man. He lived the life of an ordinary man. He helped the poor, orphans and widows. He was kind to the weak and hospitable to strangers and travellers. He suffered from all but harmed none. He was affectionate and loving towards his friends and forgiving and merciful towards his enemies. He was sincere and honest in his mission; good and fair in his dealings; and just in deciding affairs of friends as well as of enemies. In short, all goodness and excellence have been combined in the person and personality of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

A person of such magnitude transcends the barriers of time and space. People of all ages can find something in his life to provide them with guidance in their various fields of activity. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala clearly mentions this aspect of life:

"We have indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, a good example (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day." [Holy Qur'an 33: ayat 21]