My DS 101 Related Pages

Welcome to my DS 101 pages. DS 101 is part of the Holoworld Fleet and is located deep in the Cocoon, in the Amgine sector. She is near the meeting point of the Dergrad and Vurtedion territories and part of her mission is to help assure that the Federation sponsored peace treaty between those two groups does not fall apart. To help facilitate this, DS 101 houses embassies of both the Dergrad and Vurtedion, as well as other nearby warp capable species.

DS 101 is also a place of commerce and trade, and a base for further exploration in the Cocoon. Four ships, USS CURIE, USS NIGHTINGALE, USS JOHN GLENN, and USS YEAGER all use DS 101 as a base of operations. DS 101 also has a support ship, the USS HIKARU, NX-1 A, prototype of the new Manta Ray escort corvette, it was renamed HIKARU after passing its trials. A diagram of the HIKARU's bridge is also available.

--Aly, aka Captain Alyza, CO, DS 101

General DS 101 Information

DS 101 Rosters and Bios
Awards earned by the DS 101 crew
Sector maps of the area near DS 101
DS 101 Floor Plans
Past Mission Summaries
Phil's DS 101 Site has an encyclopedia, station specs, and more.

Hetgarot Pages

The Hetgarot
Shagrira Naemah, The Hetgarot Amabasador
Layout of the Hetgarot Embassy Level 1 and Level 2

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