My mother always said I marched to the beat of another drum and I do. I am playing my own drum. I have a pretty good life and I am thankful for all I have. I have a warm and happy family life and enjoy the company of great friends.
I am a mother of two great daughters and a web developer by trade and hobby. When I'm not spending time with my kids or my high school sweetheart, I sew, do more web pages for myself and others (this web thing started as a hobby), and graphics. Visit my online store, Dolphinlady Gifts, to see what I mean.
A lot of reading is done at my house. I have read all the Harry Potter books to my youngest daughter and now I am reading her Holes by Louis Sachar. For myself I just finished reading Geeks by Jon Katz and now I am reading Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest by Sy Montgomery. I usually have one book in the car for waits at the dentist/doctor office, soccer practices, and the usual DFW traffic jams. I keep another book on my nightstand for reading before I retire for the night. [Click on the book names to order these books for yourself from Barnes & Noble.]
I keep saying I am going to register my home as a zoo since there is always an assortment of animals here. Currently we have a 13 year old American Shorthair named Hoser, a 12 year old Samoyed named Sara, a 4 month old Black Labrador Retriever named Diamond, a 6 year old gerbil named April, a newly acquired hamster named Lil Devil, and my new Leopard Gecko named Yoda. And no, I do not take care of them all. My daughters and I share the responsibilities evenly. It works out pretty well.
Disclaimer: This is my site and I will express my opinions. I occasionally get email from someone who tells me they don't agree with me. One even thought I should have opposing views on my pages. I don't understand why I should. This is my site. If you don't agree with me, that's ok with me. If you feel very strongly about it, start your own page and express yourself. No need to get angry at someone because they think differently than you. Writing is great for the soul and reading stimulates the mind.
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