X-Files Mytharc and Newsgroup Information Resource



The first award that we received was recognition from the Gillian Anderson Web Site for our usefulness as a resource for new X-Files viewers.


Mike's X-Files Conspiratorial Award was for our conspiracy and mythology content.






The Vancouver Crew Appreciation Page is featured in the Hollywood North section of the Vancouver MiningCo Page.


The Vancouver Crew Appreciation Page is also listed as a Cool Site in the Open Directory Project's X-Files Cast and Crew section.


Open Directory




Alien Ice Picktures was featured as a Yahoo! Weekly Pick on 10/12/98 which really helped with exposure.


Alien Ice Picktures was featured among amazingly funny company at the Center for the Easily Amused on 11/9/98. Visit this huge list of great links.


Center for the Easily Amused




Alien Ice Picktures was featured in the Cyberscope section of Newsweek in both the printed and online versions on 11/9/98.


Steve Jackson Games picked Alien Ice Picktures as the Illuminated Site of the Week on 11/20/98.






Infoseek featured Alien Ice Picktures: Web Adventures of Mulder and Scully as a 3-Star X-Files site.


GeoCities, our host, has made Alien Ice Picktures a featured site at their Entertainment Avenue on several occasions.






In December of 1998, CNN Custom News picked up this article from News Bytes listing Alien Ice Picktures as one of the "Web Sites with a Different Slant".


Alien Ice Picktures made the "Pretty Strange" section of Yahoo Internet Life's February 1999 print edition.


Yahoo Internet Life


Cookie Award


Alien Ice Picktures earned the "Cookie Award". It's the judges' way of awarding us a cookie for our hard work!


Alien Ice Picktures was named a Top 500 Web Site by CyberTeddy in June of 1999. Cool teddy!




Go Network


The Web Adventures of Mulder and Scully was selected for a Go Network Award for the Off the Beaten Path topic page in the Go.com Directory.


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