Cliff Eidelman: ONE TRUE THING

It is not the creative fecundity one of Cliff Eidelman's peculiarities, at the contrary to many other colleagues, but not one year has passed since his first film score in 1989 (Triumph of the Spirit) when we, at least, can enjoy one of his creations; what it is characteristic and determinant is his absolute elegance and good harmonic and melodic taste, corroborated and increased score after score. It is the intimate spirit, delicate and melancholic of Untamed Heart (1993) the one that better can reflect, among his previous works, the essence that contains his music for One True Thing, the stupendous drama directed by Carl Franklin, music that flows relentless and gorgeously along sixteen themes supported by a stupendous "bereavement" between the piano and the clarinet, sensibly supported by the rest of a perfectly balanced orchestral mass. An absolute pleasure. M.A.F.


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