This new jewel in the 100 Years of Film Music 1895-1995 collection continues the very interesting versions and restorations of classic scores from arranger John W. Morgan and conductor William T. Stromberg, this time centered on the sound world of the Film Noir produced in Warner Brothers during the forties. Two pieces from englishman (although his name may suggest the opposite) Adolph Deutsch open the record, and even though his output level doesn't reach the one from many of his contemporaries, neither he deserves the oblivion on which he is submitted; a good proof of it is his stupendous music for All Through the Night (1942), here presented on a long suite which includes one of the cues written by his also forgotten companion-in-music Heinz Roemheld. More interesting is the score of german Frederick Hollander for one of the first Don Siegel films, The Verdict (1946), whose London surrounding story allows to enjoy the best dramatic vein of his music in a work full of dark sonorities and expressionist tones. And the best at the end, with two terrific masterpieces from two of the best film composers of all times: firstly Dark Passage (1947), one of the many great Franz Waxman's scores never heared outside the movie, and after that White Heat (1949), which is among the best from prolific Max Steiner, all of a guarantee. It must be mention, at last, the excellence of the versions and arrangements, at the level which the scores deserve it, as well the curiosity to hear in the opening of most of them the Warner Fanfare, composed by Steiner and used practically by every composer in the Studio's payroll. A interesting final detail, more revealing of what may look, is the inclusion in the Dark Passage suite of an alternative cue for one of its scenes, an Steiner opus, consequence of one of that many multiple changes in the editing process; the possibility to be able to compare the different vision which of the same sequence had two musicians of the magnitude of Waxman and Steiner, is one of the many favorable points which this recording has, an obligatory reference in any collection. M.A.F.

Adolph Deutsch: The Maltese Falcon (1941) - 8:32
Adolph Deutsch: All Through the Night (1942) - 15:55
Frederick Hollander: The Verdict (1946) - 15:35
Franz Waxman: Dark Passage (1947) - 14:16
Max Steiner: White Heat (1949) - 9:20
Arrangements by John W. Morgan
The Brandenburg Philharmonic Orchestra - Conductor: William T. Stromberg

/ RCA/BMG CLASSICS 09026-68145-2 / 74'

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