Aurora-Elgin Bus Lines 1938-1968

Aurora-Elgin IL

Unidentified 3612 in Elgin photo courtsey of Bob Redden

version 1.0.0

all time roster
Number Builder Model Serial # Acquired Former # Notes
170 Yellow V-T-845 ? 1940 The Southern Limited
296 Reo 3L6 ? 1938 Aurora-Elgin City Lines
298 Reo 3L6 ? 1938 Elgin City Lines
429 Yellow 728 ? 1940
481-485 Yellow 728 791-795 1938 Aurora-Elgin City Lines 482, 483 to Aurora City Lines 1946
795 Yellow 733 ? 1938 Aurora City Lines to Aurora City Lines 1940
802 Yellow Z-CT-843 531 1940 The Southern Limited
1720 Yellow TG-2706 155 1942 to Elgin City Lines 1945
1766 Yellow TG-2706 307 1942 Decatur City Lines to Elgin City Lines 1945
1858-1859 GM TG-3609 139-140 1946 Aurora City Lines
1882 GM TG-3609 536 1957 Pontiac City Lines
1941-1943 GM TG-4006 186-188 1944
1980-1981 GM TG-4007 384, 303 1944
2037-2039 GM TD-4007 306-308 1945
2164 GM TG-3609 611 1955 Elgin City Lines
2807-2808 GM TDH-3610 1068-1069 1948
2815-2817 GM TDH-3610 1075-1077 1958 Canton City Lines 2815 to Elgin City Lines 1960
2877 GM TDH-3610 1594 1960 National City Truck Rental
2992-2996 GM TDH-3612 193-197 1949
2937-2938 GM TDH-3612 110-111 1964 Jackson City Lines
3390,3392 GM TG-4006 087,? 1951 Salt Lake City Lines
3391 GM TG-4006 ? 1952 Aurora City Lines
Final roster: 2164, 2807, 2808, 2877, 2937, 2938, 2992-2996, 3391 12 buses.
Data compiled by Mel Bernero, published in May, 1989 Motor Coach Age
last updated 12/22/97

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Rosters are based on dated information. No matter how current they were when they were published, things change. New buses are acquired, old buses sold or renumbered.
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