Gardena Municipal Bus Lines

Gardena, CA

787 on Oct. 23, 1983 photo by Steve Hoskins, A. J. Reinschmidt Collection

version 2.0.0

roster as of 5/97
Number Builder Model Serial# Acquired Former # Notes
701-706 GM T7J604 DV821743-DV821748 1983 701, 703, 704, 706 to Culver City 7042-7045
701-704 (II) Nova RTS06 1997
740-753 TMC RTS06 1995
754-759 Nova RTS06 1997
760-768 Flxible Metro 1988
769 TMC T8J206 6635 1990
770 Nova RTS06 1997
772-780 GM T8J204 BV810689-BV810695 1981 Out of Service
781-789 GM T8J204 DV821656-DV821664 1983 781-785 Out of Service
790-799 Nova RTS06 1997
Data expanded from a Usenet posting by Fred B. Young Jr.
last updated 5/30/98

This page brought to you by: A. J. Reinschmidt

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Rosters are based on dated information. No matter how current they were when they were published, things change. New buses are acquired, old buses sold or renumbered.
If you can provide any additional information or corrections to the rosters or delivery lists please let me know. Also if you can provide rosters of your local properties I'd be glad to post them. With your help we can make this THE place for bus roster information.
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