version 1.1.0
Number Builder Model Serial# Seats Acquired Former # Notes
M-1, M-2 FLX Flxette 23 1969
100-101 GMC TDH-3610 1449-1450 1948
102 GMC TDH-3612 017 1949
103 GMC TDH-3612 287 1949
104-105 GMC TDH-3612 305-306 38 1949
106-107 GMC TDH-3612 718, 717 38 1950
108-111 GMC TDH-4509 1403-1406 47 1951 110 preserved
112-113 GMC TDH-4512 125,124 47 1953 ex Intertown Suburban Service 133
114-115 GMC TDH-4517 1089-1090 47 1961
116-117 GMC TDH-4519 314-315 47 1964
118 GMC TDH-4512 434 47 1954 ex ISS 137
120-121 GMC TDH-5105 935-936 53 1954
122-123 GMC TDH-5105 1821-1822 53 1956
124-125 GMC TDH-5303 1647-1648 55 1963
126-127 GMC TDH-5303 2311-2312 55 1964
128-129 GMC TDH-5303 3118-3119 55 1965
130-131 GMC TDH-5303 5946-5947 55 1967
132-137 GMC T6H-5305 251-256 55 1969
138-141 GMC T6H-5305 55 1971
150-151 GMC T8H-5305A 55 1971
204 GMC T8H-5307A 3717 1976 204 preserved
Data contrributed by by Alan Gryfe
last updated 6/23/98

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