Tidbits from the history of our ancestors. #1

Ships landed in Canada

from 1633

last update : November 28, 1998

From 1632 to 1662, the colony of Canada is managed by the "Company of the Hundred Associates" (Compagnie des Cent Associés). Each year the Company sends a fleet to Canada, to bring settlers, supplies and for commerce. Also a few independent ships, mostly after 1641 for the colony of Montréal, and a few vessels from the Royal Navy of France (Marine Royale) come to Canada. There are very few sources of information for the period prior to 1641.There are only two known complete passenger lists for the whole period: that for the contracted settlers of Montréal in 1653 and 1659.

Starting in 1662, the commerce with Canada is opened to all merchants.I have added a few of the ships known to have landed from 1663 on page # 14, back (at the index page). The ships of Carignan (1665) are given on a separate page.

Ships landed in Canada

1633The fleet of 3 ships lands on May 22 at Québec.
Saint-Pierre150 t..Pierre Grégoire
Saint-Jean160 t..Pierre de Nesle
Don-de-Dieu 90 t..Pierre Morieult

1634The fleet of 4 ships, led by Du Plessis-Bochart, lands end of May beginning of June at Québec, accompanied by a ship taken fom the English during the crossing. A bark lands independently.
------.Du Plessis-Bochart
--- ---.Pierre de Nesle
------barkFrançois Castillon
--- ---ship taken from the EnglishLormel

1635The fleet of at least 4 ships, led by Du Plessis-Bochart, lands beginning of July at Québec.
Saint-Jacques---.chevalier de La Roche-Jacquelin
--- ---.Pierre de Nesle
------.Francois Castillon

1636The fleet of at least 3 ships, led by Du Plessis-Bochart, lands June 11 at Québec.
------.Savinien Courpon de La Tour
--- ---.---

1637The fleet lands beginning of July. Unknown number of ships; one ship is named "Nicolas".

1638The fleet lands beginning of July. Unknown number of ships.

1639The fleet of at least 3 ships lands in July and beginning of August.

1640The fleet of at least 3 ships lands at Tadoussac on June 30. Other ships land at Québec in July and August.
Espérance90 t..Savinien Courpon de La Tour

1641The fleet of at least 4 ships lands in June. Another ship of the Cent-Associés lands in August with the first settlers of Montréal.
Gaston100 t..G. Joubert
René120 t..N.Pernet
------for Montréal---

1642The fleet of 4 ships lands from mid June to mid July.
Espérance90 t..H.Langevin
Saint-François130 t..J.Barraud
Saint-Nicolas80 t..J.Richard
Saint-Pierre80 t.. G.Fincard

1643The fleet of 4 ships led by admiral Courpon lands in mid August. A fifth ship is lost at sea. A sixth ship lands at Québec with supplies for Montréal.
Espérance90 t..amiral S. Courpon of The Tour
Saint-François130 t..J.Barraud
Madeleine80 t..J.Jouet
Marie86 t..P.Metifeu
Notre-Dame250 t.for Montréal---

1644The fleet of at least 5 ships lands in June.
Dauphin200 t..Baudouin
Saint-Clément120 t..J.Guyonneau
Vierge120 t..H. Bourget
------.admiral Courpon
Notre-Dame250 t.for Montréal---

1645The fleet of at least 5 ships lands beginning of August led by admiral Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny.
Cardinal300 t..---
Saint-Sauveur150 t..Jean-Paul Godefroy
Notre-Dame250 t.for MontréalCharles Legardeur def Tilly

16464 ships land in September and October.
Cardinal300 t..Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny
Saint-Sauveur or Neuf150 t..Jean-Paul Godefroy
Petit Saint-Christrophe50 t..I.Richard
Notre-Dame250 t.for MontréalCharles Legardeur de Tilly

1647At least 5 ships sail to Canada, including one landing on June 25 and others in August.
-------.Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny
Ange Gabriel---.---
Saint-François or Bon90 t..---
Notre-Dame250 t.------
Marguerite70 t..---

1648The fleet lands at the end of August
Cardinal300 t..Jean Pointel
Neuf or Saint-Sauveur150 t..---
Notre-Dame250 t.------

1649The fleet of 6 ships arrives at the end of August led by admiral Jean-Paul Godefroy.
Cardinal300 t..---
Neuf or Saint-Sauveur150 t..Jammes
Bon-François90 t..---
Notre-Dame250 t.------
---------Jean Poulet

1650The fleet of 3 ships lands in July, preceded by a merchant ship from Rouen..
Cardinal300 t.lands September 8.Jammes
Neuf or Saint-Jean80 t.lands July 14.Jean Bourdet
Chasseur120 t.lands July 14Terrier
------.lands July 10. From Rouen.---

1651The fleet has 4 ships.
Petit-Saint-Jean---lands August 18René Boutin
Saint-Joseph350 t.lands 13 October.maître: Jean Boucher
Vierge320 t.lands 13 October.Pierre Boileau
Passemoy250 t.lands 13 October.---

1652The fleet has 4 ships, two from Rouen and two from La Rochelle.
------lands 23 June.Jean Pointel
------lands 23 June.Jean Poulet
Passemoy250 t.------

1653At least 3 ships in the fleet.
Patriarche-Abraham---.Guillaume Poulet
------.Jean Pointel
Saint-Nicolas---for Montréal.Pierre Le Besson

1654At least 6 ships in the fleet.
Fortune100 t..Pierre Le Besson
Petit-Saint-Jean---.René Boutin
Vérie---from Nantes.---
Patriarche-Abraham---.Jean Poulet

16556 ships in the fleet.Three are lost: one taken by the spanish, one by the english and one lost at sea. Three fishing ships transporting cargo from France are taken by the Dutch and English.
Petit-Francois50 t.taken by the SpanishP.Delafond
Chat-Bouqué---taken by the English---
Fortune100 t..Élie Raymond
Colombe Mouillée---.---
------Dutch ship, lost at sea.---

16566 ships in the fleet.
René80 t..---
Taureau150 t..Élie Tadourneau
Fortune100 t..Élie Raymond
Saint-Sébastien---.Guillaume and Jean Poulet

1657At least 5 ships.
Vierge---lands à Québec May 27.Fabien Marot
Taureau150 t.lands June 22, Jean Denilt, gunner, Jean Riat, sailorElie Tadourneau
Armes d'Amsterdam250 t.lands 20 August.Jacob Gilles
Saint-Sébastien---.Guillaume and Jean Poulet

1658At least 5 ships in the fleet.
Saint-Joseph350 t..Fabien Marot
Taureau150 t..Élie Tadourneau
Prince Guillaume200 t..Jacques Jamain
Saint-Sébastien---.Guillaume et Jean Poulet
Sacrifice d'Abraham300 t.Pierre Boileau, pilotÉlie Raymond

1659At least 3 ships in the fleet.
Saint-André300 t..Guillaume Poulet
Prince Guillaume200 t..Guillaume Heurtin
Sacrifice d'Abraham300 t..Isaïe Guyesmeux

1660At least 4 ships in the fleet.
Saint-Jean100 t.de NormandieÉlie Raymond
------lands at PercéLefèbvre
------de La RochellePointel
------de La Rochelle---

1661At least 4 ships in the fleet.
Marie400 t..J.Pingault
Taureau150 t..Élie Tadourneau
Marguerite300 t.from La RochelleGuillaume Heurtin
Saint-Pierre---.Pierre Philie

1662Commerce is opened to all merchants.ands. 11 ships are known.
Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Nouvrelle200 t..Jacques Jamain
Aigle-Blanc80 t..Élie Raymond
Armes-de-Zélande250 t..Janvier de Combes
Saint-Jean-Baptiste150 t..Guillaume Heurtin
Flûte-Royale300 t.Royal vessel.Guyon
Aigle-d'Or300 t.Royal vessel.Nicolas Gargot dit Jambe-de-bois (a.k.a. Peg Leg)
Fortune-Dorée140 t..François Janot
------Royal vessel.---
------Royal vessel.---

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