Sailor V Chapter 3

Note:	This text is translated from the French edition of Sailor V,
	so it may not be identical to the Japanese.
	Please forgive any gaps or errors.
	See for more
	information, and for how to buy the French books.

Note:	If the same person has more than one speech bubble within
	the same frame, it is indicated with a number after their name.
	For example, if Mina has two speech bubbles in one frame, the
	second one is labelled Mina(2).

pg 61:

Title:  The Ambitions of Pandora and Channel 44

pg 62:

Poster:	The singer of the century!  Pandora.  Channel 44. 
	TV Premier tonight.  On the new satellite music network.
	Channel 44 - new office in the commercial district.
Kid:	Pandora?  Who's she?  She's really cute!
Kid:	She's singing tonight on channel 44?
Kid:	New office?
Kid:	I want a poster!
Mina:	She's so pretty!
Mina:	After all, there are plenty...
Mina(2):I'm going to take one!

pg 63:

Artemis: Minako!
Artemis(2): If you don't become more serious, you'll never bring
	peace to the world.
Mina:	You idiot!  Shut-up!
Boy 1:	A talking cat?
Boy 2:	You're imagining things.
Mina:	Come on, they're just posters!  And be more discreet about
Mina(2): ...we can't let that get out!
Mina (narrating): It's a secret but...
Mina (narrating): Artemis is a funny kind of cat.
Mina (narrating): He speaks like a human...

pg 64:

Mina (narrating): My name is Minako Aino and I'm in year 6.  Since this
cat has been with me...
Mina (narrating): ... lots of things have happened.
Artemis:Wow!  Pandora is giving a 24-hour concert non-stop on
	channel 44!
Amano (Googly-eyed glasses boy): Hi Minako!
Mina:	Look out!
Mina:	Oh no!  My poster fell in the ditch!  Oh no!

pg 65:

Amano:	I was just looking for you...
Mina:	Amano!!
Amano(2):Hurry up, we're going to be late!
Mina (narrating): He's a nerd and he's in love with me.

[Note: In the French edition, Mina actually uses the Japanese
word 'otaku' to describe Amano!]

Mina:	See what you've done, stupid!
Voice:	Minako!
Mina (narrating): She's my friend, Hikaru.
Hikaru:	What are you doing?  Hurry up!  Night class has already started!
Mina (narrating): I can really count on her.
Teacher: Once again?
Sign: Night Classes
Teacher: Miss Aino!  What kind of rag are you dragging around with you?
Mina:	Uh... it's just... uh...
Mina(2): A poster that I got in the street, Sir.
Teacher: In the street?!

pg 66:

Teacher:You're late because you dawdled along the way!  Your punishment
	is 50 English questions!  By yourself!!
Mina:	Whaaat?!
Mina:	Wah!  Why always me?!
Book:	"English"
Mina:	Heh heh... with this pen I can do any problem... English,
	even math!
Artemis:You're not supposed to use that pen except for protecting
	the world!

pg 67:

Teacher:Protecting the world?!
Mina:	Hah hah, nothing, Sir, nothing...
Mina:	Yes, it's really a very precious pen.  It wouldn't be good
	to have it confiscated!
Mina:	When I... uh... aquired... Artemis...
Mina(2):He gave me this pen...
Mina:	...and a mirror in the shape of a crescent moon that reflects
	my true face.
Mina:	A truly mysterious mirror...

pg 68:

Teacher:Okay, that's all for today.
Mina:	Already?
Hikaru:	Minako!
Mina:	What?
Hikaru: Channel 44 starts broadcasting tonight, are you going to watch?
Mina:	Sure.  See, I have the poster.
Boy 1:	Pandora?  She's the one you can only see on channel 44?  I've
	never seen such a cute singer!
Boy 2:	Yeah, she'll become a celebrity fast.

pg 69:

Boy 1:	Listen to this: boys who go to cheer at the studio can get her
	autographed CD!
Boy 2:	In any case, I'm going!
Boy 3:	Me too!
Mina:	What?!  Only the boys!  What about the girls?!
Hikaru: Channel 44 is on satellite, eh?  Luckily, our TV's hooked up
	to get it!
Mina:	What?!
Mina:	No way!
Mina(2):We don't have a dish or decoder!
Mina(3):I won't be able to see it!!

pg 70:

Amano:	That's too bad for you!  Channel 44 broadcasts on the new
	"CS" satellite and you can't get it with the old "BS" type
Mina:	What?!
Amano:	Actually, I'm more interested in computers than pop idols.
Amano(2):I'd really like a new modem.
Friend:	But haven't you heard?  Channel 44 is having a grand
	opening launch campaign.
Friend(2): They're distributing antennas to every house so everyone
	can receive it.
Mina:	Quick Dad!  It's going to start!
Dad:	2 minutes, it's not that easy!
Dad:	I hooked the antenna to the decoder but these connections
	are complicated...

pg 71:

Dad:	Argh... this isn't working...
Mina:	What?  You're no use Papa!
Mom:	Minako!
Mom:	TV, TV, always TV!  Don't you think of anything else?
Mom(2):	If you don't work harder, you won't turn out any
	better than your father!
Mina:	Snif...  All I can do is ask Hikaru to tell me about it...

pg 72:

Mina:	Say, Mom, don't forget to call the TV repairman, okay?
Mom:	Sure, sure...
Mom:	Channel 44... "boys who go to cheer at the studio can get her
	autographed CD"!
Mom(2):	Why only the boys?
Mom(3):	It might be a nice band for women too, I'm going to watch...
Amano:	Minako!
Mina:	Yeah...
Mina(2):What happened today?
Mina(3):Are they all sick today or what?
Amano:	I'm the only guy who came!

pg 73:

Mina:	But,,,
Mina(2):Everyone seems strange.
Mina:	Oh, here's the teacher!
Teacher:I can't watch TV because I have to give this class...
Mina:	TV?  The teach is acting strange too...
Mina:	There...
Mina:	What have you been doing?  Say something!
Hikaru:	Don't work, don't study...
Mina:	What happened to you?

pg 74:

Hikaru: Let me go, Minako!
Hikaru(2): I'm fed up with school!  I'm going to watch TV!
Mina:	TV?!
Mina(2):She's saying the same thing as the teacher?!
Mina:	Hikaru?!
Mina:	It's bizarre... it's so quiet here!
Mina(2):Nobody's around!
Mina:	Mom?!
Mina(2):Mom?  Are you here?

pg 75:

Mina:	Ah!
Mina:	That hurts
Mina(2):Mom, turn down the TV please!
Mina(4):They're broadcasting ultrasounds!
Mina:	Mom!!
Mom:	Shut up!  Shove off!
Mina:	Ow!

pg 76:

Mom:	Ha ha ha
Mina:	Mom?!
Mina(2):What's with her?  What is she watching?
Mina:	I don't see anything but snow... what does it mean?
Artemis:It's the signal from the boss!  It's a state of emergency!
Mina:	Yes?  It's Minako, I'm listening...

pg 77:

Boss:	Minako, it's an emergency!  The whole city, no... the whole
	country is being brainwashed!
Mina:	Brainwashed?!
Boss:	The Pandora character is just a cover.  It's an incarnation of
	evil, come to conquer the world!
Boss:	This time, it's serious!  You have to destroy Pandora and stop
	the ultrasonic broadcasts from Channel 44!
Mina:	Got it!

pg 78:

Artemis:To Channel 44!
Amano:	Minako!  Wait for me!
Mina:	Amano?!
Mina:	Of course, he only plays video games, he never watches TV
	so he wasn't affected!
Mina:	If he follows me, he'll be in my way...
Amano:	Ah, not so fast!
Sign:	Channel 44

pg 79:

Gaurd:	Out of the question!  It's the middle of a broadcast, no one
	can enter!
Gaurd(2):It's not possible!
Artemis:Darn, we can't get in!
Poster: The singer of the century!  Pandora.  Channel 44. On TV tonight.
	On the new satellite music chain.  Channel 44.
Mina:	Okay!
Mina:	Crescent Moon Power!  Transform me...
Mina:	...into a policewoman!

pg 80:

Mina (disguised): Hi!  I'm doing my round.
Guard:	Please, go ahead.
Mina:	Ha ha!  That worked perfectly!
Mina(2):Okay, she's gotta be in her dressing room or in the studio.
Guard:	While she's doing her round, I can go watch TV...
Amano:	Minako!
Mina:	Pandora isn't here.  Look, Artemis!
Mina(2):All the mirrors in this dressing room have been removed.
Amano:	Where's Minako?  In here, maybe?

pg 81:

Pandora (singing): La la la, Don't study! Don't work!  You don't
	have to anymore!  I am the most beautiful and you will listen
	only to me!  Become my slaves!
Pandora:OK, time for a break.
Pandora:I will conquer the country.
Pandora:I'm so cute...
Pandora(2):, Pandora.

pg 82:

Amano:	Ahhh!
Pandora:You've seen me, eh?
Amano:	N... Noo!  Minako!!
Amano(2):Argh... Gulp...
Pandora:You've seen my real face!
Amano:	Help me!

pg 83:

Amano:	Minako!!
Mina:	Someone's calling me?!
Mina(2):That voice?!  It's...
Mina:	... Amano!
Mina:	Crescent boomerang!
Mina:	Pandora!
Mina(2):Let him go!
Pandora:Who's there?!

pg 84:

Mina (still in policewoman disguise):
	"Don't study! Don't Work!"  And what next?!  Your brainwashing
	is unforgiveable, Pandora!
Pandora:Who are you?
Mina:	Moon Power!  Transform me!

pg 85:

Mina:	I'm called...
Mina(2):...Sailor V!
Mina(3):I'm a Sailor Soldier!  I fight for justice!
Mina(4):I'm Sailor Venus!  Prepare yourself!
Pandora:Ah!  My ultrasound waves don't work on her!
Pandora:A Soldier?  A Sailor?
Pandora(2):Are you joking or what?!

pg 86:

Pandora:Slaves!  Sieze her!
Mina:	What should I do?  I have to stop these waves, but I can't
	just kill everyone!
[fighting sounds]

pg 87:

Mina:	Aaah!  Artemis!  These guys are like zombies!
Mina:	They just keep coming!

pg 88:

Mina:	At this rate, I'll be worn out before I ever reach Pandora!
	"All the mirrors in this dressing room have been removed."
Artemis:Minako!  Your mirror!
Artemis:Make it reflect Pandora's face!

pg 89:

Pandora:Ah!  My real face!
Pandora(2):This isn't possible!
Pandora:I'm the beauty Pandora!  The most beautiful girl of the century!
Pandora(2):I've gathered so many boys in order to conquer the world!
Mina: Moon...
Mina: ... Ray!

pg 90:

Mina:	Hyaa!
Mina:	Pew!  What a smell!
Mina(2):Is it that slime that's all that's left of Pandora that smells
	so bad?

pg 91:

Artemis:She's gone.
Artemis(2):It's finished.
Boys:	Wuh!  Where is this?
Boys:	What are we doing here?
Mina:	Good, they're themselves again.
Mina:	But... if that's the case...

pg 92:

Mina:	Amano!  Amano!  Wake up!
Amano:	Huh?  What?  Minako, is that you?
Voice:	Hurry up, we're late!
Teacher:Late again!!
Teacher(2):Your punishment is 50 math questions!
Mina:	What?!
Amano:	Oh no!
Mina:	Heh heh heh...  I have my magic pen!
Artemis:No you don't!  For once, you've really got to work at it!
Mina:	Wah!

pg 93:

[Postscript - Message from Naoko]

For me, the first "Sailor V" is a great memory!

In drawing the story of Pandora (a big thank-you to Urako Hiura who
helped me a lot!), I had a lot of trouble with Venus's costume.
I said to myself that I'd never revise it ever again!  There's been
questions about making a regular series [of Sailor V] but I already
have "Sailor Moon" being published in Nakayoshi and also it's become
a TV series.  All this going on at the same time!

Pandora's style is a little old.  Sorry, but I came up
with it in July of '91.

[Above the pictures of different Sailor V costume designs]
Evolution of the Venus costume over the course of the publication in
"Lun-Lun" [the magazine where Sailor V was first published].
The drawings changed, sorry...
This is the definitive version.

[Bottom of the page]
Life is sure full of surprises!
Sailor V will continue on!  (At least, I hope...)

--End of Chapter 3--

