Back at Darien's apartment, Rini was looking out from the balcony. Darien came to talk to her. "You're Tuxedo Mask, aren't you"? she asked. Darien said that he was. He asked if she had given Serena the Silver Crystal back. Rini nodded and looked at her Time Key, wondering why it hadn't worked earlier. Darien told Rini she mustn't keep any secrets from him. He asked if she was trying to take the Silver Crystal to the future and why. Rini said she needed it to save her Mom. Darien was visibly upset. He asked Rini what happened in the future. Rini began to cry and said she didn't know.
Luna and Artemis were watching a news broadcast about the UFO. Serena was with them, but she wasn't watching the TV. She said that it was all Rini's fault. Even if the enemy was evil, she said she couldn't defend such a horrible girl. Serena said she would give up the Silver Crystal and Rini to get her friends back. Luna and Artemis were shocked.
"Do you really mean it?" exclaimed Luna. Serena said "No I don't, but I'm not mature enough to be strong under these circumstances." Serena said she would go to the balcony for some fresh air. continue