Sailor Moon was frozen in place by Dimando's power. The Prince bent closer to kiss ker. A tear rolled down Sailor Moon's cheek. She murmured a single word. "Darien..." Dimando was angry and shook Sailor Moon by the shoulders, "Don't resist me!" Sailor Moon came out of the hypnosis. She said that Dimando would never have her love.
Dimando said that he would take her love. His third eye opened again, but Sailor Moon looked away. Dimando told her to look into his eyes, but Sailor Moon refused. She told Dimando that love obtained by treachery wasn't real love. The Prince said there was no fake or real love, only power. Sailor Moon looked up to argue, but her gaze was caught by Dimando's hypnotic power. Her eyes glazed over again and she fell to her knees. "Now Sailor Moon, take an oath of loyalty and love me..."
Images flitted through Serena's mind. Rini smiling at her, the scouts calling her name, her promise to Molly to see her at school, and finally Tuxedo Mask saying he was always on her side. "Right!" Sailor Moon stood up and faced Dimando. The Prince was stunned that his hypnosis had failed. Sailor Moon said Dimando didn't understand that force was not the answer to his problems. Dimando said that there was no future for his clan unless they destroyed the Earth. "Do you think of nothing but taking?" asked Sailor Moon, "Don't you think about living together with us?"

"You are the ones who resisted", replied Dimando. He said it was impossible for them to live together. Sailor Moon said he was wrong, that the four sisters were happy living on Earth. Dimando retorted, "But the Wiseman said..."

Prince Dimando paused as if the pieces were coming together in his mind. "The Wiseman was deceiving us." Sailor Moon said she thought Safiel was killed because he knew this. Dimando remembered the words Safiel was never able to finish, "Brother, the Wise Man..."
"I can't believe it", said Dimando to himself. He looked at Sailor Moon, "But those eyes are telling me the truth. Sailor Moon." Before Prince Dimando could continue, an ominous rumble announced the appearance of the Wiseman. Wiseman said Sailor Moon was trying to deceive them and disrupt their mission. He ordered Dimando to destroy her. Continue!