A Day to Celebrate a Mass Murderer

September 1, 1998

"To this day, the Kunama accuse the British of having been instrumental in planning the hostilities and Idris Awate is vividly remembered for the appalling atrocities he committed and instigated at that time."

- D. Lussier, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University 1997

Note: text in blue is quotation from Lussier article or other reference as specified

September 1, is the day that the EPLF has decreed to be an Eritrean national holiday. This is the day in which the Eritrean struggle is supposed to have started, ignited by the 'heroic' Idris Awate.

Below is a discussion of the Idris Awate myth. This discussion is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Because the manufactured Eritrean mythology of the EPLF is one of the causes of the conflict with Ethiopia. This mythology has elevated Eritrean nationalism to cult-level status. Groups (such as the Jehova Witnesses) who do not bow down before this state-sponsored quasi-religious cult are targeted for persecution.

  • Because the Kunama people regard Eritrean Hero Idriss Awate as a mass murderer. During the period 1943-1949, the Kunama were subjected to repeated attacks by their neighbors. The British administration at the time used the ethnic clashes to further their divide-and-rule tactics. Their chief tool in this regard was Idris Awate.

  • Because 3,000 of the 60,000 Kunama population lived inside Ethiopia prior to May 12, 1998. Now those that haven't fled the Eritrean invasion are under the heel of the EPLF.

The theme of this discussion is that a realistic foundation for Eritrean nationalism is a pre-requisite for peace in the Horn of Africa. There will not be mutually beneficial relations in the horn of Africa, as long as the Eritrean people are fed myths about how they are better than their neighbours, and how their military forces are so invincible that they deserve to be the local superpowers and kingmakers of the Horn of Africa.

Hamad Idris Awate: The man who carried out a campaign of genocide against the Kunama: 1941 - 1951

Hamad Idris Awate was a shifta (bandit) who preyed on the local inhabitants of southwestern Eritrea. The British administration (1942-1952) viewed him as a useful tool through which they were able to control the remote frontier areas along the Sudan -Ethiopia-Eritrea border regions. Hamad Idriss Awate's particular target were the Kunama people

"The significance of what happened in Shambuco [see highlight at right] is highlighted by the knowledge of prior events in the heartland of the Kunama area following the British defeat of the Italians in World War Two. There is evidence from Italian written sources and Kunama oral testimonies of planned hostilities with a genocidal character directed against the Kunama, which led to large-scale warfare in 1949-50 involving all the neighbouring peoples in the Gash area."

"Idris Awate, the national hero worshipped annually in Eritrea as the man who defiantly opened the hostilities in Eritrea against Ethiopia in 1961, is remembered by the Kunama as the mass murderer who was their main executioner in the period 1943-1949. He is now enshrined in the foundation myth of the new country and his tomb has been erected as a monument on the edges of Kunama territory. This denial of Kunama history activiates memories of events at the time and creates amplification of feelings."

More on Idris Awate

Continued victimization of the Kunama 1961-1991

The EPLF was founded only in 1971. The first clandestine Eritrean organization was the ELM, which was mostly active abroad (it was formed in Port Sudan in 1958). The ELM decided to establish a presence in Eritrea, and they held meetings in Asmara in 1960. Separately, the ELF was established in Cairo in 1960.

In 1961, the Ethiopian government, reacting to the formation of the ELF and the ELM, began detaining people for questioning. Hamad Idris Awate was not a member of the ELF or ELM, but he was a well known troublemaker and therefore likely to be detained. He fled into the bush and clashed with a police unit sent to arrest him. A few months later he died in his sleep.

This is what the EPLF refers to when stating that they fought for 30 years. They have re-invented the actions of an old criminal in 1961 as the heroic launching of a 30-year armed struggle. In fact the EPLF was not founded until 1971. The Ethiopian government had only one brigade stationed in the whole of Eritrea until 1967. Such fighting as there was, took place between the Eritrean police forces and the Eritrean guerrillas..

    Kunama Reaction to the Eritrean Nationalists
    "The command in the first zone not only failed to put a stop to the traditional Beni Amer and Baria raids against the Kunama, but allowed its fighters to take part in them. The Kunama, among whom foreign missionaires had made deep inroads thus driving another wedge between them and their neighbours, sought Ethiopian protection. Barentu, the regional center, became a staging area for Ethiopian forces and Kunama men joined paramillitary units to fight the [Eritrean] nationalists."

    -J. Markakis, 1987

Continued victimization of the Kunama 1991-?

Having had to escape has been the dominant theme of their life from time immemorial. The Kunama have been refugees in their own land, villages relentlessly abandoned because of the raids, compelling people to keep their granaries in the wild in order to escape hunger when fleeing, hidden in the caves of Fode or in holes dug for the occasion and named 'Tigrini' holes after the enemy. The precarious refuges are literal landmarks of their history, and bear testimony to their past suffering.

Shambuco 1995:
The weekly market town of Shambuco between Bimbilna and Boshoka on the eastern fringes of Kunama territory, now largely peopled by Tigrini., attracts people from all over the area. On the 11th of MArch 1995, two Kunama were killed in the market place following an incident with the police. I was staying in a village close by when this happened and met the next day with Kunama who witnessed the incident. They were silenced by the person assisting me with the translation as soon as they began to tell me about it. This person was a rank-and-file employee of the government. Only later on, months afterwards, did I have access to the following reconstruction of the incident and the way it was handled by the authorities.

Like many Kunama living in nearby villages, two brothers had come to Taikanaba to sell their sorghum. It is common practice in the Shambuco market for prices to fluctuate from one week to the next, and sometimes even during the day. The Tigrini are not sorghum producers which has become part of their diet only lately, and the Kunama are aware that the Tigrini often buy it from them in order to sell it at Asmara for a profit.

The week prior, sorghum had sold for 3.50 Birr per measure (approximately 6 kilograms) but the Kunama were now raising their price to 4 Birr. One Tigrinia woman complained to the local police who ordered the Kunama man to sell at the lower price. He refused saying he was forcing no one to buy his sorghum and started packing it on his camel. The Tigrinia policeman prevented him from leaving, and this led to a fight. The policeman hit the man with his stick, the man grabbed the stick hitting back the policeman who fell on the ground.

A second policeman, also Tgrinia, shot the Kunama dead on the spot. His brother grabbed the policeman's gun and ran away firing in the air above the crowd. One Tigrinia girl was accidentally killed by the policeman who first opened fire (as the stepmother of the girl later testified) but accusations were directed at the fleeing brother instead.

At that stage, all Tigrini from the town, which the Kunama had assumed were unarmed civilians, came out equipped with guns and chasing after the man escaping with his emty gun shot him dead as well. Accounts differ on the number of Kunama arrested who were sent to prison in Barentu in reprisal (figures vary between 9 and 20). Not one Tigrinia was arrested. A man who put a shroud on the dead man's body in the market place was put in jail for months. All Kunama up to Om Hager felt deeply over this event, and it reached momentous proportions as a source of concern.

- D. Lussier, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University 1997

Mythical Referendum

The Eritrean referendum result of 99.8% is a highly dubious figure, one that recalls elections conducted by one-party states. Eritrea of course, is a one-party state, and this mythical election result deserves closer scrutiny.

Even the highly partisan Eritrea supporter, Dr. Roy Pateman became suspicious of the referendum. In his book (Even the stones are burning) he writes of being stationed at Barentu (a largely Kunama area) to observe the referendum. He noted with surprise that the EPLF arrived with a duplicate set of ballots (there were two sets of ballots for each registered voter). This is a common trick by fraudulent political parties. They send the first set of ballots out to the public and throw it in the trash after the public has voted. Then the second set is filled in by the party operatives and submitted to the national election board. In elections, it is a big no-no to have more ballots than registered voters.

Mr. Pateman asked the EPLF about this (he was supposed to be an election monitor after all) and he was told that the extra set was simply in case some of the ballots got damaged. Mr. Pateman wrote in his book that this explanation would not be satisfactory from other election officials, but he trusted the EPLF, and therefore accepted their explanation.

So now we understand the election result. A community of approximately 60,000 Kunama, who were overwhelmingly against secession, and fought alongside the government throughout the Eritrean war, who were in the process of being disposessed of their land, who had been massacred by the Eritrean national hero Idris Awate; these people were supposed to have produced a 99.8% yes vote for the EPLF?

Recommendations for the EPLF:

1. Stop this artificial glorification of Hamad Idris Awate. Choose an alternative figure from Eritrea who deserves hero status and celebrate him/her instead. Continued state-mandated deification of Idriss Awate is simply going to further alienate the Kunama.

2. Stop persecuting the Kunama people. Let them administer themselves and choose their own destiny in a truly free and fair referendum. Stop settling EPLF loyalists on land belonging to the Kunama.

- Dagmawi

Additional Information on Idris Awate Genocidal Campaign Against the Kunama

I present here the Kunama version, but I also came across an unpublished document written in 1951 by Giuseppe Puglisi, an Italian journalist who visited the area at the time. HIs carefully documented report gives a thorough account of the casualties, losses in terms of cattle, and huts that were burned on a ddaily basis.

It is a strong indictment of the British Military Administration of Eritrea. Puglisi incriminated the British for having deliberately staged the disorders: "I am positive that there is an on-going process of genocide directed against the Kunama, whether or not the parties or neighbouring groups are conscious of this, but there is no doubt that this is being done with the assisstance of the British Administration."

Kunama description of how they tried to defend themselves using stones - the only weapons available to them:

    The Kunama shouted "Aula, Aula" and they blew their horns to rally. They gathered and positioned in one line. They were throwing stones at the enemy, down to the river of Ashoshi below. Dungus Arei became a member of Jabata (ELF) later on. It was him who started the war in the first place. It was him who killed with his sword all the Kunama he could find. Hamad Idris Awate was there with them.

    A group of people went to live close to the police station thinking that they would be safe. They did the same in Dokinbia and other places. They went close to the police stations, all of them. Bird's tracks were the only traces left behind at the Gash river.

    Starting in Aula, they killed the Kunama from Tika, Shikaba, Suba Suka, Amelia. The pregnant women were hacked to death... The destruction was wild... In the end even the Tigrini from Serai agreed to join the Nara and the Beni Amer, they came from that mountain..

    The British police was aware of the situation, they came but did nothing...

Events in Shambuco [1995] and Salabiai [1950] according to the Kunama perspectives share in common the fact that the Kunama stood alone to face aggression when no one offered assistance. In Salabiai they had the freedom or power to defend themselves, albeit with mere sticks and stones, but this was denied them in Shambuco. In both cases governments have failed them: "Let them be killed" remains the common denominator as they see it.

    That flag, since it is in their own hands and does not belong to the Kunama, we are less [powerful] than they are.

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