News and Commentary on Ethiopia/Eritrea Conflict:
July 31 to August 6

Thursday, August 6, 1998:
  • Report from Northern Tigrai - Conflict causes suffering among the displaced Irob people (Dr. Ann Waters-Bayer's)

  • Response to your e-mails (David Fox; Bureau Chief, Reuters East Africa) - posted in the comments section

  • Comment: Reuters has been the most consistent, objective, and high-quality news organization reporting on the Eritrea-Ethiopia conflict. Our only concern is to make sure they do not succumb to the incessant lobbying efforts from the Eritrean side.

  • IAI Won't Bid on 30 MIG-21 Airplanes Upgrade in Ethiopia (Globes - Israeli Business Newspaper)

  • Comment on above article: First, the journalist has made a big mistake by stating that Sudan supports Eritrea. Also the information seems to contradict earlier reports that Israel had refused permission for Israeli companies to refurbish the Migs. Did that decision refer only to the larger 30 Mig deal? Can the Israeli government even intervene to stop the third-party swap involving Romania and Ethiopia? Is IAI government-owned while Elbit is private? These defense deals are generally done discreetly... There is a lot of disinformation... We will never know the full story. Further references (July 29): Eritrea asks Israel to delay Mig-21 work and VOA report on same topic.

  • Gadhafi Watch: Libyan Diplomat Robbed in Somalia (Reuters) Comment: Libya seems to have big plans for the Horn of Africa... Gadhafi had agreed to open a bank in Eritrea (earlier this year)... now he is heavily financing Aideed Jr. in Mogadishu.

    Stay tuned for a special Gadhafi Watch Flashback: - a look at Gadhafi's support for Ugandan dictator Idi Amin when he invaded Tanzania in 1978...

Wednesday, August 5, 1998:
  • Eritrean Delegation Satisfied with OAU Meeting (Reuters)

  • Comment #1 on above article: The Eritrean statement that the OAU is now pursuing a "completely new initiative" is suspect as the Eritreans have mischaracterised OAU statements before. If indeed it is true, then Ethiopia should immediately disengage from the OAU talks... Ethiopia has made enough compromises. Anything more is simply appeasement of an aggressor nation (Eritrea) which insists on being rewarded for its use of force.

  • Comment #2 on above article: This Reuters article may have been the result of Mr. John Rude's incessant lobbying of Reuters. Last month he organised a campaign to bombard the Nairobi Reuters office with Eritrean e-mails. He recently sent an e-mail to a Reuters editor (Mr. David Fox) complaining that the Reuters article of August 3 (Ethiopia says OAU report proves border claim) was not newsworthy. It seems he has some influence with this editor as they are on a first name basis.

    If you would like to contact Reuters and politely encourage them to maintain a neutral and objective stance, you can e-mail Mr. Fox. Please remember to be brief and polite.

    Quote for Today
    Prior to 1952, mapping of Ethiopia was carried out by various colonial authorities, described in the latest available EMA (Ethiopian Mapping authority) catalogues as "unauthorized aliens." - World Mapping Today, R.B. Parry, C.R. Perkins (eds), 1987

  • The 'Crime' Of Ethiopianness In Eritrea (The Monitor, Addis Abeba)

  • The OAU and the Eritrea-Ethiopia Conflict: Round 2 (Discussion)

  • Tilaye gives the Ethiopian side of the story (The Sowetan, South Africa)

  • Sudan Peace Talks Continue in Addis Abeba (VOA) (Independence referendum for southern Sudan being discussed)

Tuesday, August 4, 1998:

Monday, August 3, 1998:
Please help assist the victims of the Eritrean war of aggresion
National Fund Raising Committee

Sunday, August 2, 1998:

Saturday, August 1, 1998:

Friday, July 31, 1998:

Articles From Friday, July 24 to Thursday, July 30
Articles From Friday, July 17 to Thursday, July 23
Articles From Friday, July 10 to Thursday, July 16
Articles From Friday, July 3 to Thursday, July 9
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