More from the Italian Military Maps - Alitena:

July 24, 1998

Alitena is clearly shown in Ethiopian territory, yet the Italians have labeled a tributary river to the south of Alitena as the Muna. But the treaty of 1900, which dealt with this part of the border traces the frontier along a southeast trending river; not a northeast trending river.

(For a full reference to the Treaty of 1900 click on the link.)

Which river is the real Muna referred to in the treaty? From the Carta Dimonstrativa, it is clear that the river mentioned in the treaty lies north of Alitena and flows to the southeast. Therefore, both the Italian military maps and the Treaty of 1900 agree that Alitena should lie in Ethiopia. Eritrea is completely unjustified in claiming Alitena.

The Eritrean claim probably derives from the way the Italians have labeled the tributary river as the Muna. If the Italians truly believed the Muna-frontier lay south of Alitena, why did they not occupy it? Eritrea faces a difficult choice here - They cannot claim that the Italians drew the frontier in the wrong place because their entire case rests on the validity of Italian maps from 1934.

Additional Notes:

  • The map shows that Zalambessa did not exist at the time of the Italians. Alitena was attacked by the Eritreans in early June, 1998.

  • Ethiopia is not bound by these unilateral Italian maps. Eritrea however, has tied its hands to Mussolini's expansionist policy as reflected in these and other Fascist-era maps of 1934 and 1935. (Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935)

  • It should be noted that the Carta Dimonstrativa is applicable only to the Treaty of 1900. It is not referred to in the Treaty annex of 1902 which changed the border lines in the Gash-Setit area (Badime). It has no legal basis for anything other than the 1900 Treaty. However, someone has marked up the Carta Dimonstrativa, and written what appears to be "Lacatacura" and "Etana" in the Gash-Setit region. Of course, the Italians have no right to unilaterally mark up the border. In any case, the 1902 Treaty specified the river "Maieteb", not "Etana." Regardless, the Italians later moved the border deeper into Ethiopia, to the river "Tomsa." All these actions violated the Treaty of 1902.

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