La Stampa, Turin, Italy, on Eritrean and Ethiopian conflict - June 8

La Stampa, Turin, Italy, on Eritrean and Ethiopian conflict:
June 8

What do Eritreans and Ethiopians really have in mind?

Will they continue to kill each other and to dissipate their resources in the battles, desperately exiguous, or will they finally find the way to the reason, in this case a peace negotiation?

What is really striking in this conflict is the ... aggressiveness shown by Eritrea, a small country with less than 4 million inhabitants, against one that has 50 million more. ...

But even more surprising is the fact that two pretty homogeneous regimes (despite the antique tribal rivalries), born from the common struggle against a communist dictatorship, show, to solve their problems, such a clear attitude to the use of strength. ...