
The entire field was forbidding. Loose rocks littered the dusty ground. Small tufts of grass had managed to push their way through the stale, hard earth in places, but for the most part, the area remained barren. Concrete structures a thousand years old crumbled slowly as the hateful wind howled through their vacant insides. One animal dared to walk upon this cursed earth, an emanciated dog with dead eyes. The mongrel skirted the area nervously, fear of starvation urging him onward, terror of whatever may have lived- or may still live- in this dread realm. An inexplicable thick grey fog filled the sky, seeming to suffocate all below it. A ring of what once had been vehicles- but now were little more than twisted metal carcasses- surrounded a lone statue of a man. The statue was carved out of solid onyx, and unlike its concrete companions, it had not worn or shown any damage from the millenium that had passed. A grin was chiseled on its face, seeming to delight in the death and waste around it. Two bright eyes peered out from sunken sockets, almost pulsating with a sickly green light. To look into them was to invite death, to merely think of them was to bring insanity. The dog did not care for these concepts, but it knew the area was cursed, and after taking a few wary steps forward, it turned and tan with its tail between its legs, yelping. High above, vultures answered the dogs pathetic pleas with shrill screeches. Dodging in and out of the putrid fog, each would cry out in a voice more grating and horrible than the one before. Occasionally, one would dive down and sit near the statue to croak some terrible litany, as though singing the praises of this abomination. Fleeing into the dark forest, the dog did not hear this, his thoughts of starvation set aside momentarily as thoughts of escape overcame him. The forest seemed filled with nearly as much black malice as the area it surrounded. Dead trees reached to the sky, as though to appeal to a higher power. Their hope had long since been gone. Only the statue remained, owner and ruler of the wasteland.

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