OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES...and we are not talking about the kind that go goo-goo either.

Here are some absolutely hilarious Wav files...Guaranteed to have you rolling on the floor with laughter

***Wavs Provided By Regina***

These wavs open best by using Real Player

Space Ghost Wavs

[Hootie? ] [Nerd Taxi ] [ You Want Yours Young Man? ]

[ This is not good ] [ Lower Tay ] [ What Are You Trying To Say? ]

[ Zac Higher ]


[ Voices Of Angels???? ] [ Tweet Tweet ] [ The cure? ]

[ Ouch! ] [ Shower...Together? ] [ Smoochie smoochie ]

[ Itz Luciano Pavarotti! ] [ Giggle ] [Conversations from the dressingroom.]

[Ahhh it's the chicken that ate Tulsa] [Sniff(imagine tears)...Zac you just make us so proud]

[What talent!] [What talent too!]