the study of the energetic, outrageous, in your face, will say anything brother...with a smile and giggle that can melt the hardest of hearts and turn them into "jello"

To check out "Staring At The Sun" ...our Zac picture page click here

"If I say I'm the wacky one, I always have to be wacky. When I act serious, it's like 'Why aren't you wacky? Is this a bad day for you?'"

**(a note from Kim)**How do you begin to explain a person like Zac? His personality is way out there in left field. I love his exuberance and his joy for life in general. So far I have seen nothing that gets this kid down, except for when people critisize Hanson's music, and from what I have seen of Zac he probably even has something funny to say about that.

These facts are by no means unknown...most of us have them placed permantly in our memory. There are however, new fans who may not know all of this, so this is for them.

Full name: Zachary Walker Hanson

DOB: October 22, 1985, that makes him a Libra

Age: 12

Loves the color blue

Plays the drums and maracas...Sings lead and backup vocals

Fave Food: Has lots...but loves Lime Jello

Fave Drink: Dr Pepper

Fave Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Nicknames: Animal, Psycho Boy, and Prozac

Bad Habit: Always jumps on people

Personality: Outrageous, extremely outgoing, can not seem to sit still for very long, very energetic

Is into: Obviously his music and his drums, rollerblading, soccer, his treehouse, belching while talking, embarrasing his brother Taylor, Laser Quest, drawing, chewing gum, math, his hotel shampoo bottle collection, and just being as wild as he can be.

Things he says that we all just can not help smiling about when we hear them.


"I think it's probably actually that I'm so shy that I act wacky to make up (Ok, if you say so Zac...I do not think many of us believe that is the case though)

"I love you man" (we all love you too, Zac)

"They're like my best friends, only bester" ... his thoughts about his brothers

"I am not a ham...I'm a chicken"

"Who do we look up to? Well, we usually look up to people that are tall, about 6'2" and up"

**(a note from Kim)**I feel that I need to say something here about the way people react to Zac. A lot of people are turned off by how he acts at times. You know what I say to that, so what. He is just being a boy...I would love to have a son just like him. He is so refreshing and innocent, let's hope he always stays that way. People who are turned off by his actions are just missing out on so much because they must not have the same zest for life. Maybe if we all let loose occasionally the world would be a lot happier place to live in...Come on everybody let that inner child out to play every once in a while...any comments?

**(a note from Kim)**This page has been approved by two wonderful girls, Caitlin and Marlee who just happen to be mine and Michelle's daughters...Caitlin belongs to me and Marlee belongs to Michelle. They are devoted Zac fans and we would not think of not having their approval on this page. Remember it is always for the children...they are what matters.

Here is a comment from Monica: How I see ZAC: He turns on every light in the world just by stepping into the room. He IS Sunshine Boy. He can wrap you around his little finger by his killer smile, his outrageous giggle, his fantastic drumming...and oh, you KNOW the second he twirls those drumsticks, he has a piece of your heart again. Although he is still young, you can see the handsome man beginning to emerge. You can see how easily he can make you smile AND how easily you want to protect his entire being the very moment he begins to knit those brows of his.

Mari can not get enough of her sunshine boy either:I am a Zacaholic as well...and darn proud of it. I think the brows knitting finally got the perfect word put to them...determination. All the guys are special...but for me, Zac holds a ultra-special place in my heart. I admire his energy, I admire his zest for life, and I certainly admire his truthfulness and honesty.

Vicki also can not get enough of Zac:I totally think Mari's right. The girl who expresses her feeling about Zac. Im a devoted Zac fan as well. Deep in my heart I always know Zac's there. He may be a little young to date but never to young to be a good friend. Every night I pray to God and tell Him about my feelings. Their always about Zac. When ever I feel like Im alone all I got to do is say He's with me in my heart. It helps a little. Or when Im watching a movie all alone, I just say he's with me in my heart. Or when I walking alone on a cold night, I just say he's with me in my heart. When he smiles or when he plays the drums or when he makes you laugh. It always melts the hearts of girls. It melts mine too! But I believe Theres much more to love than that, and thats whats I love. It's that! But Zac will ALWAYS have a place in my heart, that just belongs to him!!!

A thought from Jen: Zac is adorable!! You look into those eyes of his, and you'll find an innocent little angel, who would never harm a fly. He's just so...positive. He can find good in any situation, and even at the worst of times, he can make you smile. I find that one of his best qualities, a quality only few people have. He is everything you wished for in a friend, but the sad thing is, few of us will ever get to be his friend. What more can I say?? I think the 3 words 'he's a Hanson' says it all. Mr and Mrs Hanson are obviosly terrific parents, and it shows in their kids. Whoever ends up marrying a Hanson will be one of the happiest people on earth. I LOVE ZAC!!!!

Melissa's thoughts about Zac: ~One of the reasons why I like Zac, is for his maturity. I think it's awesome that he can be hyper and fun-loving one minute, and the next minute be completly serious, and get down to buisness.It shows that he knows when to be funny, and when to be serious, he is really self-disiplined. He is a very talented drummer, and it takes a lot of work to be good. Just because he sometimes acts stupid (jokingly) he is obviously just fooling around. He is extremly hard-working, and you couldn't ask for a better guy.~


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