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WhiteDragon Website
Stark ruft das Lied;
kräftig reizt der Zauber.
Ich bin erwacht aus wissendem Schlaf.
Wer scheucht den Schlummer mir?
Der Weckrufer bin ich
und Weisen üb ich,
das weithin wache,
was fester Schlaf verschliesst.
- - Richard Wagner, Siegfried, Dritter Aufzug, 1. Szene

ike's virtual library  

Inside each reading room, you will find a collection of documents available over the net on specific themes.

Most entries refer to individual documents - rather than being a list of websites (as in so-called "link pages") - so you can get to desired documents directly.

Your comments & suggestions are always welcome.

reading room:  linux

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reading room:  world wide web

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  Last modified: Sun Dec 5 20:52:19 CET 1999