funeral play and Autumn © Katie Niemi 1999

                                      it's raining yellow and red death,

                                                         and the children

                                                         are all out

                                                         playing amongst

                                                         the deceased.

                                                        the young revel in it,

                            each lifeless body crushed underfoot.

                                               only I can see the elderly

                                                      leaves clutching tight

                                                    to their beds up above,

                                                     each praying

                                            they won't be the next to go.

                                            only I see the morbidity in such a beautiful day.

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Dulling grays and charcoals and blacks

pierced with thin shafts of light...

and where do I have to run that doesn't

break down into those four lulling elements?

murmurs mesh together

with all the faces,

and I find a sort of peace that goes

hand in hand

with being melancholy.

I just want to roll around in grass,

climb trees, eat daisies.

Go back to the innocence that precedes


The innocence where I have

vibrancy,       and light....

Now I'm just stuck in this dull void

Where nothing appears new, and day

fades into night in unreal, unnatural

waves of sadness.....

Oh to be young.


HONESTY  by Katie Niemi 2004 ©

it's amazing how we can fool
ourselves with poetry, like
those few phrases were
penned gently enough to keep
the emotions behind them
alive and mutual.

to put it in writing like
the paper was stone, such
courage from a girl who
can't speak her mind,
only write it.

to word so carefully the
intentions of forever
to find her forever just
an ordinary phase of
young age.

such a brave pen, to
letter love like it was
something solid, as if
writing about him
was enough
to make him stay.