Gumball Connecticut Speed Traps Gumball

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

"The police are not here to create disorder.
The police are here to preserve disorder"
Mayor Richard Daley - 1968

Success At Last! After 25 years of craziness and ripoffs, the State of Connecticut has finally repealed the 55 MPH Speed Limit. The expected speed trap blitz hasn't materialized (so far), traffic is moving smoothly and safely and the paranoid boobs are back in the right lane where they belong. Isn't it amazing what us cranks and malcontents can accomplish when we refuse to accept the lies and scams of the politicians?

I probably won't be updating this page any longer but I'll leave it up because the links below still provide a lot of handy information for those who get bagged in speed traps and other traffic law enforcement ripoffs. Now if we could just do something about the State Income Tax...


This page contains my purely personal and subjective opinions on Connecticut speed law enforcement procedures. If you really believe that speed traps are designed to protect the public, you will neither agree with nor appreciate them. That is your right...but I suggest you check back here after YOU get bagged for the grocery money for driving in a manner that is not wrong, dangerous or unreasonable. Safe driving is to the Insurance Lobby and raising money for bureaucrats and politicians to squander is not important to anyone...except insurance companies, bureaucrats and politicians.

Before writing this page off as just another crank's lament (which is not, of course, to say that it isn't just another crank's lament) check out this summary of the U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration's report on the effect of speed limits on traffic safety. Ask yourself why you never hear about this one when the insurance flacks and politicians are beating the drum for ever more oppressive traffic law enforcement.

FHwA report on speed limits

"But...aren't speed traps designed to protect the public?"

Well...actually no. Speed traps are about what the government is always about: money and politics. It's a 15 Billion Dollar a year cash cow for government and insurance special interests. Speed traps exist to (a) raise revenue for the government, (b) protect hundeds of millions of dollars in Federal highway construction grants, (c) protect and justify the jobs of government employees, (d) provide Billions of dollars in profits from increased premiums and claim denials for the insurance industry. Remember Woodward and Bernstein...if you want to know what the politicians are up to...follow the money.

No 55

News Flash!

A bill that will abolish the 55 MPH limit on certain sections of limited access highways is pending in the Legislature this session (1998). Connecticut is one of only two states (the other is Hawaii) that have not raised the limit. Governor John "I'm gonna repeal the income tax real soon now" Rowland, who threatened to veto the same bill in the last session, stated that he has changed his mind (happy election year folks) and will not oppose it if passed. Some cynics think it's a gimmick to justify a massive speed trap blitz to help finance election year tax cuts. Remember who your friends are in November.

Make no mistake about it. Being a cop is a tough and dangerous job. When the scumbags are coming in the windows or that drunken crazoid runs you off the road you don't call the ACLU for help. When the cops and others in the Criminal Justice system risk their necks every day to protect and serve the public they deserve the respect and the support of every citizen. But there's a big difference between protecting the public and victimizing the public. When the Criminal Justice system becomes a tool of special interests like the insurance lobby, or a fund raising device for greedy politicians, the public interest quickly disappears in a cloud of self serving rhetoric and propaganda.

The simple fact of the matter is that the 55 MPH speed limit is a bad joke. It was a dumb idea when it was rammed down the public's throat as a fuel conservation gimmick two decades ago and it hasn't improved any with age. It is routinely ignored by the public and has done more to bring the Law and the Criminal Justice system into public contempt and disrepute than any single piece of political fantasy since Prohibition. It's bad law, badly enforced. It should never have been enacted and it should be repealed.

The State of Connecticut runs one of the most rapacious and profitable speed trap rackets in the nation. The fines are enormous and, in good weather, at the end of the monthly quota periods, or on holiday weekends, there is literally a cop hiding behind every rock and bush. Hardware includes Radar, Laser, aircraft borne VasCar (stopwatch) machines and both marked and unmarked vehicles including non-traditional vehicles like trucks and vans.

Be particularly wary entering the state on any of the major highways as bagging incoming tourists and commuters is a popular pastime. This tactic is also popular in the neighboring states of New York and Massachusetts so be extremely careful around state lines. A recent statute provides for doubled fines in "construction areas" so watch out for the lurking cruisers around any area where there is any indication of construction or maintenance work. Be careful anyway...dump trucks make lousy hood ornaments and the people who maintain the highways really are working for you. Don't make their job any more difficult and dangerous than it already is.

Because of the vast numbers of tickets and the ridiculous fines, the courts are buried with contested cases. In many courts a Not Guilty plea will get you an offer of a reduced fine or dismissal in return for a charitable contribution. If you opt for a trial you will get one eventually but prosecutors will use their control of the system to jerk you around endlessly to run up your costs and force you to plead out. The system is designed to separate you from your money in the most expeditious manner so expect to be treated with contempt and derision by anyone you deal with if you have the audacity to demand due process of law. Remember that the jobs and paychecks of the people who run the system depend on justifying and maintaining it. Nothing drives them into a frenzy faster than a sheep who refuses to be fleeced.

To be fair, most of the people who are involved in the system believe in what they are doing. Most people are inherently honest and responsible and very few get off on abusing the public. The ones who do are the most dangerous though, as they become the most hostile and obstructive when they aren't taken seriously. The cops will generally be the most polite and least obstructive people you will deal with, not that they will do you any favors, probably because they are in the most physical danger and take the most personal abuse from outraged motorists. Bear in mind, that the people responsible for ripping you off are sitting in the Legislature and the Governor's Mansion ...and you put them there. Most cops would rather be doing real police work than raising money...and they don't like being out there getting dusted by semis anymore than you do. Cops get killed on the highways. Be polite but firm, just as they are, or even if they aren't. It will get you farther with the straight arrows...and drive the Dirty Harry types crazy.

The use of radar detectors is legal in Connecticut and a good quality unit will pick up most types of radar and some laser units. Traffic information and "smokey reports" are available on CB Channel 19. The practice of headlight flashing to warn oncoming traffic of hidden speed traps is common (and Constitutionally protected free expression no matter how much the cops hate it), so watch the opposite lane for good samaritans...and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The Myth

You will hear it said, usually with a sneer, that the best way to avoid speeding tickets is to obey the law. That's rubbish. That's the only the easy way. The best way to deal with bad laws is to fight them tooth and nail. The national 55 MPH speed limit wasn't repealed because politicians got tired of taking your money. It was repealed because millions of people across the country didn't buy the lie. They made supporting it a political liability. In every state in the country, right now, there are people exercising their rights, within the legal and political process, to ram the speed trap racket down the government's throat. Many states have raised their limits, lowered the fines or even banned radar from their highways. In Connecticut the prohibition on the use of radar detectors was thrown out by politicians who finally got tired of listening to their constituents scream about being ripped off. If you scream loud enough they'll listen to you instead of the lobbyist from your insurance company.

You do not have to take speed trap tickets, or any other ticket, lying down. The cops make mistakes. You have an absolute legal, ethical and moral right to plead not guilty and demand that the government prove the charge against you beyond a reasonable doubt. You do not have the right to violate the law, but you do have the right to use radar detectors, CB radios, headlight flashing and any other legal means to adjust your driving to obey the law and avoid tickets. In the handful of benighted jurisdictions where such techniques are prohibited by statute you have the right to fight for the repeal of those bad laws as well. You do not have any obligation to make life easy or pleasant for the people who victimize you. If enough people stand up and fight the whole shabby house of cards can be brought crashing down around their heads.

The Good News

The State of Connecticut has one of the lowest rates of fatalities per mile driven in the nation. It also has one of the highest rates of non-compliance with the 55 MPH speed limit. Do not hold your breath waiting for the government to make the connection.


As an attorney, I do not do criminal defense work including any form of traffic violations and do not solicit such business. Information on this page is not intended to be legal advice. If you are arrested for a traffic violation, you need specific legal advice from an attorney with professional expertise in these matters. I am not connected in any way with any commercial enterprise which manufactures or sells radar detectors, CB radios or other traffic defense equipment. I just don't like being ripped off by the government.


Connecticut General Statutes - Motor Vehicle Laws

Connecticut General Statutes "Speeding Laws"


Statutes can change with every session of the Legislature. The sections of the General Statutes available on line may not be current. Be sure to check for revisions before relying on anything you see online. Up to date statutes are available in most Public Libraries, University and Law School Libraries, Court Houses and Town Halls. If you receive a speeding ticket the relevant statute will be cited on it, usually Sections 14-218a or 14-219. The statute that sets the standards for proving a radar trap case is Section 14-219c.

Speed Trap Links

The Speed Trap Registry collects descriptions and locations of speed traps all over the world

The WWW Speedtrap Registry

These are the folks who went to Washington to get the
National 55 MPH limit repealed...and won.

National Motorists Association Home Page

The RDU site has lots of information on speed traps and related links.
Be sure to sign up for the Speeding Mailing List while you are there.

Reasonable Drivers Unanimous Intro Page

Now here's an interesting idea...and lots of information on what's going on in the various state legislatures as well.
The National Coalition to Abolish Speed Limits

Learn the law on the use of
Radar Detectors and Scanners

For lots of information on what radar is, how it's used (and misused) and how to protect
yourself from it, check out the Radio Association Defending Airwave Rights, Inc.


LIDAR - Laser Speed Traps FAQ.
What they are, how they work, how to fight them.


A project in New Jersey and Pennsylvania is studying speed traps to see if there are
patterns to police enforcement that can be used by motorists to protect themselves.

NJ Turnpike / PA Turnpike Speedtrap Research Project Homepage

Brad Cuppy has some interesting information of Reciprocal Agreements between the States
or, in English, how the cops in one state can wreck your driving record and get your
insurance rates raised in another state.

Brad Cuppy's Guide to Traffic Laws

For a ton of information on the myths and realities of traffic law enforcement visit
Mr. Road Safety

Want to see a photo that will give you the shivers?
Nary a peep about speed traps but
guess who graces their home page?
Pay a visit to
The Connecticut State Police

(Heh, heh...they changed the photo since the last update. Wonder why?)

The friendly folks who slap you with those administrative sanctions that the prosecutor and the judge forgot to mention when you pleaded out...and then rat you out to your insurance carrier. (It's not really a punishment, honest, really it isn' only looks like Double Jeopardy if you aren't on the state payroll.)
Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles

These guys were so impressed with the palace that the legislators built for themselves on Capitol Avenue that they built their own on the Pike. Guess who sets the speed limits...and who paid for the palace.
The Connecticut Department of Tranportation

('s a cheap shot...I know they do a lot of good stuff too and there's a lot of good information on their page...nevertheless...)

For a prime example of the Insurance Lobby at work in the political arena, check out its tame Federal Bureaucracy. Consider the amazing coincidental relationship between the Agency's activities and the political agenda of the Insurance Industry. Ever wondered why your state has a mandatory seat belt law?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

For the Insurance Industry's Version of Reality check out their own personal propaganda page. Note that there is not a peep about using violations as an excuse to raise rates...or about using the violation of absurdly low speed limits as a defense against personal injury claims. Note also the heavy reliance on NHTSA statistics. Guess where NHTSA gets its data. Does the phrase "circular reasoning" ring any bells?

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

In the "It Can't Happen Here" Department, take a look at Canada's latest revenue generating scam: PhotoRadar. This is a very well done site. There's also a truly outstanding photo of a guy mooning a radar camera. PhotoRadar is coming to a speed trap near you. It's the next big revenue generator for bankrupt states and municipalities. Now they can ticket you when you aren't even driving the car.

The Photo Radar Home Page

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well,
when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things
to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."
Ayn Rand
Dr. Floyd Ferris, in Atlas Shrugged, 1957

"The citizens are awakening to the truth for the first time in American history,
government is seen as an enemy rather than a friend. "
Martin L. Gross
A Call for Revolution, 1993

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good
of others; we are interested solely in power. Power is not a means; it is an end. Not
power over things, but over men. In our world there will be no emotions except fear,
rage, triumph, and self-abasement. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the
Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. Always, at every moment,
there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--forever."
George Orwell
Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1949

We make money the old fashioned way...

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