Dear Friend,

This page is my little rant on the internet. Don't take it too seriously. I don't. In fact, I was surprised to notice that I haven't updated it in over 3 years. (As of November 2003.) Anyway, take a look and think about what I and others have to say about Disney's world.


John M. Gould

Nothing on this page is with the advice and consent of the Disney Corporation. The Webmaster will assume full responsibility for the pages content when Disney assumes full responsibility for its crimes against humanity and nature.

It is the author's opinion that the Disney Corporation is an irresponsible corporate citizen which is concerned about profit above all other concerns. What disturbs him most is that Disney portrays itself as a warm, family oriented company but in reality it is greedy and selfish and deviod of morals.

This is evidenced by the fact that the company employs child labor to produce tee shirts which are sold at obscenely marked up prices. (The 12 year old who sewed your $20.00 tee shirt together got only 6 cents of it.) Additionally, Disney also owns Miramax films which make films which mock Christianity in General and Catholicism in particular. Incidently there is nothing on the Disney website which admits that Disney owns Miramax pictures.

Another thing I would like to point out is that I will not make the Gay issue a major feature of this site. This is for the following reasons:

1. I feel that most anti-gay movements are inspired more by bigotry and hatred rather than a principled moral position. If I felt that most people could make that distinction I would be more inclined to pursue the issue.
2. I feel that it is too easy to say that Disney is bad because of the company's position on Gay issues. There are many other issues on which the company can be citicized.
3. While I feel that homosexual practices are morally wrong I feel the matter is best left for God to judge.
4. I enjoy pointing out how liberal causes are also opposed to Disney - why should the right wing get all the press?
5. I do not want the Gay issue to detract from Disney's other sins.
6. Those who would be attracted by the Gay issue are primarily conservative politically and morally. I wish to demonstrate that Disney's crimes extend into areas which offend liberals as well.

Official Disney Website

Features Discontinued Disney Theme Park Attractions

Orlando Sucks

Some people feel that Disney isn't the only bad thing in Orlando. Check out this link and decide for yourself!

Satellite Image of the Magick Kingdom.
Well, its kind of fun to look down on thousands of fools wasting their money.

Disneyland Paris
Disney in France! (How bad can it get?)

Disney Films not as Innocent as You May Think

Arabs Against Disney

Official Disney Gay Day Site
This site is "official" in that it is produced by and for the Gay community. I invite the open minded viewer to decide for themselves as to the appropriateness of this tradition.

Historians Criticise Accuracy of Disney Movie in the Making

The upcomming Disney release "Hildago" about long rider Frank Hopkins is entirely formed on the mythology that Hopkins created for himself. Read all about it! Disney seems to have no problems presenting fraud as history as long as it will make money.


Disney Tells Miramax to Pull Film Critical of the Bush Administration

What would make Disney support a conservative President? Could it be economic self interest? (You see, even liberals have a reason not to like Disney!)

Disney asks Kissinger to help with fallout from killing anti-China movie project
An article from the London Daily Telegraph detailing how a former U.S. Secretary of State helped Disney deal with an embarassing crisis. (Note - Michael Eisner and henry Kissinger were both guests at the state dinner in honor of China's president Zhang at the White House late last year. Coincidence? I think not!)

You're Official Disney Boycott Site
Contains information of interest to groups and individuals boycotting the Disney Corporation.

Another Boycott Site

Disney: The Mouse Betrayed

Read the Book that Exposes the Evils of Disney. Don't take my word for it.

Team Rodent
Another Anti-Disney Book

Catholics Against Disney
It's interesting to note that two of ABC/Disney's most controversial shows (ie. Nothing Sacred and Ellen) were cancelled at the end of the 1997-98 season. Why? Not because Disney buckled under pressure of conservative groups and boycotters but for the same reason every show is cancelled (except for Bridgit Loves Bernie in the early 1970's) - LOW RATINGS. The public doesn't like shows with agendas - be they conservative or liberal.

Disney's Animal Kingdom Presents Distorted Subconscious Images

Disney Urban Legends
Unfortunately, nothing on this page is particularly scandelous but it is of interest to the Disneyphobe. One reason why there may be nothing of a greatly negative nature is that Disney has played a secret hand in controling this site's content. One oddity is that this page uses several copyrighted Disney logos which would open the site for a major lawsuit. However, the fact is that this site is still in business.

Latinos Boycott Disney for Discriminatory Hireing Practices

Editorial Cartoon
The jist of this cartoon is that Disney is so big it should not be fought against. What if the Allies had said that about Hitler? Or the same about the Soviet Empire? Or about the Roman Empire? Or about the U.S. Steel Monopoly? Or about the Democratic Majority in Congress? Or about the Catholic Church at the time of the Reformation? All evil empires fall eventually and should be opposed by those who do not desire to submit to their tyranny. Fight back - you have nothing to lose and may even regain your freedom and self respect.

Disney Uses Sweatshop Labor

Disney Film Director a Convicted Child Molestor

Disney Investigating Work Conditions in Chinese Factory
Wouldn't it be nice if they investigated the factories BEFORE they had their stuff made there?

Another Disney Child Labor Article

Disney's Anti-Child Labor Colaborative with Faith Based Organizations
Please note that there is NOTHING in this official article from Disney that either denies that Disney exploited child labor in the past nor states that child labor is not used to produce current Disney products. Nor does it state the Chinese Government is co-operating with the effort.

University of New Hampshire Student Arrested for Protesting Disney Use of Sweatshop Labor in March 1999

Disney Employs Child Labor in Foreign Countries at Sub-minimum Wages

Disney's sub-minimum child labor wages in Haiti
(Found on the Disney/Infoseek search engine.)

More on 12 cents an hour in Haiti
To add insult to injury they sew in the "Made in USA" labels!

More on Disney's exploitation of Child/Sweatshop Labor

Labor Union Boycotts Disney

Communications Workers Boycott Disney

Activists Protest Disney Stores at Christmas

Broadcast Union calls for fair treatment from ABC/Disney.

Euro-Disney Strike

Disney Promotes Child Molestation and Rape and Presents Historical Inaccuracies in the Film Pocahantas
This documents a protest to the movie Pocahantas by the American Indian Movement and the National Organization of Women. (Note - both are "liberal" organizations.)

Death at Disney

A complete listing of fatalities at Disneyland.

Buy the book Death at Disney! Read all about it!!

(In all fairness, the great majority of deaths at Disney are not due to Disney's immorality or mismanagement but rather because of the stupidity and irresponsibility of Disney visitors. Be smart AND responsibile - don't go to Disney!)


A few years ago Disney bought a film company called Miramax films. Most of Miramax's productions are R rated and are niche film which appeal to a selected audience. Among the more famous Miramax films are "Pulp Fiction" (featuring an on camera homosexual rape of an Afro-American - no the fact that he was a mobster doesn't make it "okay") and "Rob Roy" featuring an on camera heterosexual rape scene - no, the fact the rapist was eventually killed doesn't make it "okay"). What bothers me the most is that Disney will not publically acknowledge Miramax's existance in its "family" entertainment. It seems that Disney wants to enjoy the reputation of being a leader in family entertainment but also profitier from "adult" entertainment. This is hypocrisy at its worse.

Join the Miramax Cafe

The History of Miramax Films

Texas Educators blast Pulp Fiction!

Miramax Buys Film Starring Tori Spelling!
(The film is also about incest.)

Proof that Miramax Films has a Political Agenda!

Check out Miramax's over $700,000 in contributions to Democrats. (They gave nothing to the Republicans!)

ABC Televison

The Disney empire acquired ABC Television a few years ago. This gave Disney unprecedented access to the hearts and minds of the American people. The motto "More Americans get their news from ABC than any other source." should read "More Americans get their news from Disney than any other source." The Disney empire has used its power to present such controversial shows as "Ellen" and "Nothing Sacred" both of which were cancelled not because of boycotts but because they had low ratings.

The Nielsen Ratings are brought to you so you can see for youself what makes for good TV. What shows get the highest ratings are they shows about alternative lifestyles (Ellen), alternative religion (nothing sacred), or functional families (Home Improvement). Take as guess and then take a look. Then ask yourself a question - why does ABC/Disney produce crap they try to pass off as entertainment when they could produce good (both in moral and entertainment value) shows and make more money?

Sabrina Teenage Witch (STW)
Get the dirt on this TV show on (you guessed it!) ABC.
Note - a Wonderful World of Disney movie will be called "Sabrina Goes to Rome".
(Witchcraft was bad enough but Catholicism too?)

A semi-official STW site with complete history of the STW character.
(Its more involved than you think.)

Official Disney/ABC STW Website
An episode was filmed at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
(Coincidence? I think not!)

Disney's One Saturday Morning
The pollution and corruption of the minds of our children begins at the earliest ages possible.


Yes, Mickey Mouse is available for interviews but not - he can't speak. Why is this? Has Disney removed Mickey's vocal cords? Are they afraid Mickey will tell the world that it was better when Walt was alive? Inquireing minds want to know!

Mayhem at a Disney Hometown Parade

Unindicted Co-conspirators
The following companies are unwitting partners with Eisner's Evil Empire. Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Wal Mart.

Disney Stock Drops
July 1st, 1998 article.

Disney's Smoke and Mirror Profits

Disney Sucks
A bill board with stories of people with negative experiences with Disney.

Write to the Boss -

Send E-Mail to:

Use Infoseek to find more anti-Disney sites.
(Note - Disney is a major shareholder in Infoseek.)

Use Alta Vista to find what Disney won't let you.

A Final Thought -
Why is it when you go to the Alta Vista search engine and type in "Disney" and "Pedophile" you get hundreds of listings for pornographic websites?
If you don't beleive it - click HERE.