Spitbank Fort, Portsmouth, England
(Courtesy of Palmeston Fort Society)

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Flag Images Courtesy of Flags of the World.
(Highly Recommended.)

Marshal Vauban is so cool he's been dead for almost 300 years and he has his own website!

Fortress Study Group A British organization dedicated to the study and preservation of historic forts.

Forts of the British Empire

Click the Above Link to Visit Some Great Websites.

Forts of the Low Countries

Forts of Liege, Belgium Some of the most impressive modern forts built.

Belgian Fortresses of the 20th Century

Netherlands Fortification Museum Foundation Fort Liezele provides information about Fort Liezele in Belgium which was active in both world wars. Site is in both Dutch and English.

Dutch forts

Dutch Fortified City Plans Large Download - but worth it.

German Forts

World War II Links Features many links related to the Atlantik Wall.

Atlantikwall Website Built by the Germans in the Second World War the Atlantik wall was intended to stop an invaision of continental Europe. While the wall ultimately failed in this mission it was still one of the most far reaching coast defense systems in history.

German Tunnel Systems During World War Two the Germans built numrous underground command centres and factories, often with slave labor from concentration camps, to continue their war effort despite Allied bombing. Find out more about this fascinating and little know aspect of the war.

German Pump Cannon One of the strangest weapons ever made.

Mariusz Wojciechowski - History of 19th Century Fortifications especially Prussian and German.

Swiss Forts

Forts of France

75mm Gun Turret Somewhere in France

"Le Mur" Association Contains many picutures of many forts in France. It features an Interactive Map of French Fortifications.

Maginot Line The ultimate in land fortification.

Maginot Line Website in Swedish.

The Fortification S?Ede Rivi?es These forts were build in France in the late 1800's in reaction to the Franco-Prussian War. They were probably the most complex and advanced forts of their day and resembled underground cities. One of the most famous of these is Fort Douamont which was the focal point of the battle of Verdun in 1916.

The Forts of Verdun - A well illustrated account of two great forts and an epic battle written by International Man of Action Rob Duchesneau.

Fortifications of Verdun

Forts of Paris Lists all the forts which have defended Paris - both past and present.

Elsewhere in Europe

Fort Monostor In Komarom, Hungary and open to the public.

Information on Polish forts is HERE and Jacek Biesiadka - Festung Posen More Polish Forts.

Czechoslovakian Forts Contains information regarding restored forts in the Czech Republic. Great Links page.

The Swedish Navy maintains one of the few active Coast Artillery corps in the world.

The Fortress Petrovaradin Said to be one of the largest and best preserved fortifications in the world. Decide for yourself.

Russian Forts and Castles

Forts in the Rest of the World

Forts and Palaces of India All I can say is "Wow!".

More Forts and Monumental Buildings in India.

Bin Laden's Cave Headquarter's An artist's concept of Bin Laden's command complex. It is doubtful that the real one is as complex.

Vladivostok Fortress served in the Russo-Japanese war.

Puerto Rican Forts

Images of Morro Castle

When all you've ever wanted isn't enough.

Last But Not Least -

The Great Wall of China The greatest fortification structure on Earth.

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