Bare Mt.

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The west face of Bare Mt. from #95. A marble quarry and the town of Carrara were here from 1913 to 1925. More enduring is the Carrara Formation which has something to do with shale, limestone, and trilobites.

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The approach route up the NE canyon. The Bare Mt. climb was the most strenuous in the Beatty region, taking 7 hours from truck to summit to truck. Memorizing the ascent route on the way up is a necessity for getting back down.

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SW from Bare Mt. looking across the Armagosa Desert to the Funeral Mts. on the left, the Grapevine Mts. on the right, and the Cottonwood Mts. in the distance.

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South to Armagosa Valley and the Armagosa Range.

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East to Yucca Mt. and the nuclear repository.

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