Some Members of my Family


This is Mr Bürgermeister - so called, because he is the boss of our household. He knows exactly how to get what he wants and, although the gentlest animal imaginable, is nevertheless capable of striking terror in the hearts of vets, the only people he doesn't like - and, with a body weight of around 12 kg, he is big enough to give some emphasis to his growls. At home, he is gentle, patient, tolerant, and a true friend and companion. Bürgie is a European short-hair, all white (and therefore an indoor cat, since with his pale skin he would be prone to skin cancers in our climate). No, he is not an albino, he is not deaf, and he doesn't have differently coloured eyes - he's just a cat who happens to be white.


This is Choonkie... she is getting on a bit now and loves to find nice quiet and warm places, preferably away from the dog, where she can rest. Her slight built and feather-weight belies her appetite - she is a true gourmand of the cat-world. Choonkie is a Persian Blue, with the most beautifully soft and smooth coat.


This is... well, what IS her name? It's a bit of a family joke that she has about as many names as she has moods, which are many. Officially, she is registered as Lulu, an Australian Fox Terrier, our latest addition to the family, and still a baby - and a VERY spoilt baby at that! She is very playful but (unlike some other dogs we have had) not destructive (if we don't count her hobby of finding and destroying all tissues she can find). She is very intelligent, knows a lot of commands (although she does, occasionally, choose to ignore those she doesn't like).



all photographs © 1996 M. Benfredj

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