Poker Solitaire Challenge

I came, I saw, I lost...

PSC Tableau

...and you will, too.

Poker Solitaire Challenge is extremely easy to play but very hard to win. The first challenge is to arrange the 25 random cards in the tableau, like the one shown above, into 10 hands of straight poker (5 rows and 5 columns) so that the total score is a maximum. You can move the cards around until you run out of patience, or until your supervisor enters the room (in which case, note the first item in the rightmost menu).

The second challenge is a secret; you will just have to read the documentation. [Hint: Can you say simulated annealing?]

Download the (stuffed and binhexed) package (429 K).

Platform Requirements

Power Macintosh computer
Color monitor, at least 800x600 (15-inch)

For additional solitaire sites and software, check out Solitaire Central.

Please email any comments, critiques, etc. to Michael P. McLaughlin.

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